
Unit 1 Meeting a new teacher Lesson 3 What does it mean 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:38次 大小:392484Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Lesson 3 What does it mean? 同步练习 一、英汉互译 1.左边的 2.右边的 3.bright 4. name 5.come from 6.叫,称为 7.晚上 8.again 9.英语老师 10.mean 二、补全下列单词。 Le t b I ht e eni g n m ig t a ai c ll 三、连线 1. The fox is on the log. 2. A frog sits on the big red box. 3. She is come from Canada. 4. His name is Lele 5. He’s clever. 四、用所给单词填空,完成句子。 (name come from call clever bright) 1. Si maguang is a boy. 2. I’m Lily. = My is Lily. 3.This is house is (明亮的)。 4. Mr Bright USA. 5. You can me Lele. 五、句子改错 1. I am come from China. 改为 2. What are your name? 改为 3. Bright mean clever. 改为 4. What is Lele mean? 改为 5. He’re clever. 改为 参考答案 一、英汉互译 1.left 2.right 3.聪明的 4.名字 5.来自 6.call 7.evening 8.再,又 9.English teacher 10.意为 二、补全下列单词。 left bright evening name night again call 三、连线 1. The fox is on the log. 2. A frog sits on the big red box. 3. She is come from Canada. 4. His name is Lele 5. He’s clever. 四、用所给单词填空,完成句子。 1.clever 2.name 3.bright 4.comes from 5.call 五、句子改错 1.去掉am 2.are 改为 is 3.mean 改为 means 4.is 改为 does 5.He’re 改为 He’s

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