
Unit 1 Meeting a new teacher Lesson 5 What’s he like? 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:99次 大小:178144Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Lesson 5 What’s he like? 同步练习 一、英汉互译 1.handsome 2.friendly 3.坐下 4.来自 5.name 6.左边的 7.right 8.a little 9.聪明的 10. Not bad. 二、补全下列单词 1.h nds me 2.fr en ly 3. p ak 4.l t le 5.br g t 6.ri h 7.l ft 8.n m 21教育网 三、情景对话 1. —How is school?— A. Not bad. B. We have English. C. It’s Monday. D. It’s Sunny. 2. —What’s he like? — A. He like a monkey. B. He is tall and smart. C.A big bear. D. He likes dog. 3. Tingting is but her grandma is . A. strong young B. old young C. young old D. young thin 4. —Can he speak English? — A.A lot of. B. Yes, can he. C. Very much. D.A little. 5. — is he like? —He is strong. A. How B. What C. Which D. Does 四、看图选词填空。 1. The little (dog, hog) can (hop, top). 2. It is (hot, pot) today. 3. The ox has a bad (mop, pop). 4. The (ox, fox) has a box. 五、连词成句。 1. can speak she English. 2. strong he and tall is . 3. a teacher new English have We. 4. is school how? 5. to friendly he us is 参考答案 英汉互译 1.英俊的 2.友好的 3.sit down 4.come from 5.姓名 6.left 7.右边的 8.一点点 9.bright 10.还不错 二、补全下列单词 1.handsome 2.friendly 3.speak 4.little 5.bright 6.right 7.left 8.name21世纪教育网版权所有 三、情景对话 A B C D B 四、看图选词填空。 1. dog hop 2.hot 3.mp 4.fox 五、连词成句。 1. She can speak English. 2. He is tall and strong 3. We have a new English teacher. 4. How is school? 5. He is friendly to us.

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