
Unit 3 At the zoo PB Let’s talk 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:97次 大小:8164841Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    ==================资料简介====================== Unit3_第4课时课件:22张PPT B Let’s talk B Make a monster Unit3 At the zoo Let’s do Introduce yourself Hello, my name is … Look at me. I have two eyes and ears. I have a nose and a mouth. I have two arms, two hands and two legs. ================================================ 压缩包内容: comehere.mp3 doB课文动画.swf ithaslongnose.mp3 ithasshorttail.mp3 Ithassmallesye.mp3 lookattheelephant.mp3 talkB课文动画.swf Unit3_第4课时课件.ppt (2013新版)Unit3LetstalkB课文录音_128k.mp3

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