
二年级下册Unit 3 Can you hear a train备课教学设计

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:84次 大小:974158Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unite-based Teaching design 小学英语二年级下册第三单元备课教学设计 Title: Book4 Module 1 Unit 3Can you hear a train ? 一、单元教学目标 (建议多使用英语课程标准中各级目标的描述语言) 语用任务 帮助学生学习掌握交通工具类的的词汇,了解不同交通工具发出的声音,并能用正确的拟声词来进行描述和询问对方能听到什么? 知识与技能 核心词汇:car ship bus train 核心句型:Can you hear ...? Yes./ No. 文化与情感 学生能在生活中运用本单元所学内容,描述自己所听,并通过观察,发现生活中的各种声音,养成良好的听说读习惯,在交通工具上不可喧哗,注意秩序。。 方法与策略 情境教学法;师生-生生互动交际;小组合作学习法 二、单元基本架构 Period 1 Period 2 Objective 单课时目标 1.学习单词:train car bus ship 2.掌握句型: Can you hear ... ? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. 3. 能用英语拟声词和模仿不同交通工具发出的声音。 掌握句型:What can Ming/he/she/they hear? He/She/They can hear a/the … 学会正确的发音:[t] [d] 学会用所学的句型进行问答,创设简单的情境培养学生的语言运用能力。学习字母及字母的一般发音规则。 通过本课时的学习,让学生对声音的辨别,有悦耳的声音和噪音的区别。 Topic 单课时话题 Sounds of vehicles Beside the window Content 单课时教学文本 Can you hear a train? Yes. Can you hear a ship? No. Listen! Can you hear a bus? Yes. Ming can hear a dog. Ming can hear a car. Ming can hear a ship. A bird is outside the window. Ming can’t hear the bird. Blackboard design 板书设计 Sounds about transportation Can you hear ... ? bus(Boop..Boop...) Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Beside the window Ming can hear a dog. Ming can hear a car. Ming can hear a ship. Ming can’t hear the bird. 三、单课教学设计 Period 1 Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-lesson Phonics: Sing the song “Sound s of animals on the farm” 播放歌曲Sound s of animals on the farm 通过欢快的英文歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣,为良好的英语课堂氛围做准备. Pre-task preparation Let’s sing Here it comes 师生共唱 引入新知,首次感知,活跃课堂氛围 While-task procedure 1.Free talk: What can you see? What can you hear? 2.Listen and answer listen the sounds(bus/ship) and answer Can you hear a ...? 3.Listen and guess Can you guess where Kitty is going? 4.Learn and say How is the train? What can you see in the train? 通过图片和生活经验学习新单词 car 听并模仿car 的声音boop 听声音,模仿并回答操练 小组之间合作,模仿声音,并且进行操练对话,进一步巩固 自由猜测表达 语音拼读学习train 仔细观察描述 操练句型Can you hear ...?以及学习公共交通工具的的鸣笛声,并复习相关描述物品的形容词long, big... Post-task activity Show a picture of a street with different vehicles on it. Imitate the sounds of vehicles, and ask and answ Think and talk What can/ can’t you do on a train/bus? 展示图片,模仿交通工具的声音,互相问答。 S1: Boop... Boop... S2: Can you hear a bus? S3: Yes, I can. 讨论并且发表自己的意见 通过操练,进一步巩固所学知识,进行一个总结。 讨论中明白在公共场所不得大声喧哗,文明乘车。 Assignment Listen and read page 10 and 13. Period 2 Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-lesson Review the Alphabet T: b S: abc T: p S: opq 快速反应说字母邻居,复习字母及顺序 Pre- ... ...

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