
人教版英语七年级下册Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Section B 2a—2c (共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:26次 大小:2330691Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section B 2a-2c 姚王庄镇初级中学 代素玲 Unit6I’m watching TV SectionB 2a—2c Beijing Tokyo东京 A: What city is it B: It’s… It’s in … Japan China Sydney悉尼 A: What city is it B: It’s… It’s in… Australia New York A: What city is it B: It’s… The United States (of America) = the USA/ the US 美利坚合众国 9:00 AM 8:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM It’s eight o’clock in the morning. What time is it in Beijing Beijing Tokyo NewYork Sydney 2a Look at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places. What time is it in Beijing It’s eight o’clock in the morning. race host study state 竞赛 主人;东道主 学习;研究 州 Words and expressions 单词预学 dragon any other young child miss wish delicious still 龙 任何的;任一的 另外的;其他的 年轻的;年幼的 儿童 怀念;思念 希望 可口的;美味的 还;依然 Words and expressions Time 9:00am His family in China activities Mom and aunt Dad and uncle Para.1 第一段 are making zongzi are watching the boat races on TV Read carefully and answer: Time 9:00pm His host family in New York activities The mother The father Zhu hui Para.2 is reading a story to her young children is watching a soccer game on TV is talking on the phone to his cousin A living reading making talking studying watching B food in the US a race with a family on the phone a story 1.Live with…与……住在一起 I live with my grandparents. 我与爷爷奶奶住在一起 2. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. 他爸爸和叔叔正在看电视上的龙舟比赛。 race 用于体育话题时,主要指赛跑、赛车、游泳等与速度相关的“比赛”;而game 则多指球类、棋类等体育“比赛”。例如: Do you like to watch NBA games on TV 喜欢看电视上的美国NBA篮球赛吗? He’s the youngest swimming in the race. 他是比赛中最年轻的游泳选手。 3. … so it’s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. 所以对朱辉和他的房东家人来说,今晚和平时的晚上是一样的。 1) any other night 表示“任何(一个) 其他的夜晚”。其中any 表示“任何一个;任意一个”。例如: A: When can I come 我什么时候能来? B: Any day from today. 从今天开始任何一天都可以。 Don’t be so proud. Any other boy here can play this game. 别那么自负,这里任何一个男孩都会玩这个游戏。 2) host family 指人们出国时所借宿的人家,类似汉语中“房东家”。例如: Do you want to learn to speak English well Why not go to England and stay with a host family 你想学说一口好的英语吗?为什么不去英国与房东一家人住在一起呢? 4. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi. miss 在这里作动词,意思是“怀恋;想恋” I know you miss your mother. 我了解你多么地想念你的母亲。 I shall miss you very much. 我会非常想恋你。 wish 在这里作动词,意思是“希望” I wish you a good journey / good luck. 祝你一路平安/好运。 I wish everything ready. 我希望一切准备妥当。 What do you wish me to do 你想要我做什么 5. … but there’s still “no place like home”. 但是“千好万好还是不如自己的家好”。 (金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。) 这句谚语源自1823年英国伦敦首演的一部音乐剧中一首名为《家 ... ...

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