
牛津译林版7b unit 6 Outdoor fun reading 1 课件 (共25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:14次 大小:1050274Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading Ⅰ What do you think of the story?SkimmingRead and tell the main idea. Find all the places where the story happened.Find out the right place for each picture and put them in the right order(顺序).by the river in the field in the hole Read the passage quickly and silently only to find specific information. 快速阅读文章寻找特定的信息。 Para. 段落 Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5By the rivera _____ in a _____when ? where? who? how?It _____ a watch _____ its pocket. tookwhite rabbit coatout ofIf you see such a rabbit, how will you feel what will you do? Imagine1.What did Alice think of the rabbit?2.What did Alice do after seeing the rabbit?In the fieldstood upran across--afterjumped downWhat did Alice do after seeing the amazing rabbit?Why did Alice jump down the hole?If you were Alice, would you jump down the hole or not? And why? Imagine Down , down, down. Alice jumped down. Alice jumped down. Alice jumped down Which do you like better?In the holedoorsbe lockeda keynot fitgo throughtoo bigFinding problems How amazing! Down, down, down. Let's read !There were doors…, but … locked. Alice saw a small key…, but … not fit… Alice tried to go through…, but… big. 用词之美意境之美句式之美a Alice ran across the field after the rabbit. b The strange rabbit surprised Alice. c Alice sat by a river with her sister. d Alice opened a small door with the key. e Alice could see no one in the hall. f Alice found a small key on a table. g Alice jumped down the hole after the rabbit. h Alice saw a white rabbit passing by. 13486752Put the following sentences in the right order(顺序).Simon made some notes about the story. Read his notes. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.True or False It was a cloudy day. ___ 2. Alice was playing with a rabbit. ___ 3. The rabbit asked Alice the time. ___ FFF4. The rabbit jumped down the hole first. ___ 5. It took Alice a long time to hit the ground. ___ 6. Alice talked to the rabbit in the hole. ___ TTFSimon is asking Sandy about the story Alice in Wonderland. Complete their conversation with the words in the box.door field ground hall hole key pocket rabbit river watchSimon: What’s the story about? Sandy: It’s about a girl. Her name is Alice. One day, she sat by a _____ with her sister. Then she saw a white _____.riverrabbitSimon: What did the rabbit do? Sandy: The rabbit took a _____ out of its _____ and looked at the time. Simon: What happened next? Sandy: The rabbit ran across a _____. Alice ran after it. Then the rabbit and Alice both jumped into a ____.watchpocketdoor field ground hall hole key pocket rabbit river watchfieldholeSimon: What happened after that? Sandy: Alice hit the _____. Then she found herself alone in a long low ____. She saw a ___ on a table and used it to open a door. Simon: Did she go through the ____? Sandy: No, she didn’t. It was too small.groundhallkeydoor field ground hall hole key pocket rabbit river watchdoorWrite the simple past form of ... ...

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