
Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us.Lesson 22 Travel on the Internet.课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:1425197Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。Lesson 22 Travel on the InternetUnit 4 The Internet Connects UsWords & expressionspress appear modern electronic selln. 印刷机;新闻界 v. 出现;呈现;来到 adj. 现代的;新式的 adj. 电子的 v. 卖;出售Think about it! How many books have you read this year? 2. Do you read e-books? Do you like them?Objectives To understand the passage about books. 2. To learn some useful words and expressions to talk about the history of books.Words: press appear modern electronic sellExpressions: pass on by hand printing press keep onRead and answer.1. How did people write books in ancient times? People wrote down their stories with paper. They wrote each word by hand. 2. What made it possible to print books quickly? Modern technology made it possible to print books quickly. 3. What kind of books quickly changed people’s reading habits? E-books.Read the lesson and put the sentences in the correct order. The History of the Book ( )It took a long time to write just one book. ( )It made it possible for common people to read books. ( )The e-book appeared. ( )People had no books, and they shared knowledge by telling stories. ( )The printing press appeared. ( )People download books from the Internet. ( )With paper, people began to write down stories.1234567Language Points1. People passed on their knowledge by telling stories. 人们通过讲故事来传播知识。 pass on 传递;前进;去世 What sort of values do you want to pass on? 你想把怎样的价值观传递给下一代? He passed on at the age of 72. 他72岁时去世。 Many a student fails to pass on the examination. 许多学生考试不及格。2. They wrote each word by hand. 他们用手来写每个单词。 by hand 用手;手工 He moved the huge stone by hand. 他用手移动了那块大石头。 We arranged lead letters by hand before a newspaper was printed. 在报纸印刷以前,过去是用手工排铅字 的。3. Then, the printing press appeared and changed the world. 然后,印刷机出现了并改变了世界。 printing press 印刷机 The newspaper is the most novel product of the printing press. 报纸是印刷机制造的最新奇的产品。 press n. 压;按;新闻;-出卷网- He felt the press of modern life. 他感觉到现代生活的压力。Perhaps we really should be reflecting on another sacred liberty: the freedom of the press. 也许我们真正应该反思的是另一个神圣的自由:新闻自由。 v. 压;按 Drago pressed a button and the door closed. 德拉戈按了一个按钮,门关上了。 Press this button to start the engine. 要开动发动机就按这个按钮。appear vi. 出现;呈现;来到 When night falls, stars appear. 夜晚来到时星星出现。 He is anxious to appear a gentleman. 他急于表现得像一位绅士。 A woman appeared at the far end of the street. 一个女人在街那端出现了。4. With modern technology, it was possible to print books quickly. 使用现代技术能快速打印书。 It is/was+ adj.+ to do sth. 做某事…… (It作形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth.) It is very interesting to learn English. 学英语很有趣。 It is lucky to meet you here. 有幸在这儿见到你。It’s very kind of you to help me. 你能帮助我真好。 若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如ki ... ...

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