
人教版高中英语必修一课件:Unit 4 Earthquakes A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:14956105Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件34张PPT。Book 1 Unit 4 EarthquakesReading A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleepfenfei Middle SchoolBaby natureemotional (情绪化的)HappyAngryNatural disasterWhat natural disasters can you see?Natural disastersBrainstormingtyphoon/ hurricane (台风)tsunami (海啸)tornado (龙卷风)flood (洪水)fireearthquaketlesrhearthquakeThe city lay in ruins.The army was sent to rescue the people. Many people died or were injured.Roads, and buildings were badly damaged.Tangshan Earthquake A Night The Earth Didn’t SleepDivide the passage into three parts and match the main idea with each part. Fast reading(Page 26)Part 1(para.___) Part 2(para.___) Part 3(para.___)A.damage B.rescue C.signs12-34(Part2) Damage(Part1) Signs(Part3) RescueA Night The Earth Didn’t SleepGroup workWhat can we do to help the people who suffered from the earthquake? Work in groups. Try to write down as many ideas as possible on the given card. The group leader will show us your card.Knowledge is power!United we stand!Tomorrow is another day!Write a letter to the people who suffered from the earthquake.Homework Thank you for listening!Village wellsFarmyardSkyCitySigns before the earthquakePart 1 (Para. 1)Careful-readingthought little of?Gas WaterVillage wellsWallsGas WaterWallsFarmyardChickensPigsMiceFishChickensCityWater pipes SkyEarthquake cloudPart 2 (Para.2-3)Damage during the earthquakeCrack PeopleBuildings Animals2/3millions ofHalf a million75%830All 90%Tens of thousands400,0001. dug out the people who were trapped and buried the dead2. rescued the coal miners3. built shelters for survivors4. transported fresh water Result:Rescue after the earthquakePart 3 (Para.4)The city began to breathe again.Rhetorical device (修辞手法)PersonPersonification(拟人)A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep 2. …the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. 3. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 4. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. Rhetorical devices(修辞手法)Personification(拟人)RepeatRepetition(反复)Hyperbole(夸张)Simile(比喻)The city began to breathe again.

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