
Unit 6 In the kitchen 教案(5个课时)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:40次 大小:361984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 题 Unit 6 In the kitchen (story time) 第一课时 主备人 组员 教学目标 1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:meat, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables, look for, love。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说现在进行时态的疑问句:Are you doing …、Yes, I am./No, I’m not.、How is the meat/soup/…?及正确回答。 3. 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做的事情。 教学重难点 教学重点: 1. 在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型: Are you doing …?、Yes, I am./No, I’m not.、How is the meat/soup/…?及正确回答。 2. 能够从整体到局部理解故事内容。 3. 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 教学难点: 1. 菜名的朗读是本课词汇的难点,教师可以通过多样的图片让学生感知后学习。 2. 现在进行时一般疑问句的准确掌握。 教学准备 图片、光盘 教学过程 建议 Step 1 Lead-in 课前欣赏歌曲《Fruit》 &《Vegetables》 T: What are the songs about? (出示歌曲中的水果和蔬菜图片,引出fruit和 vegetables,初步感知本课词汇) Step 2 Presentation T: Fruit and vegetables are good for us. We eat them every day. And we can cook delicious dish with them. Look, what dish is it? Meat with potatoes(土豆烧肉), chicken with potatoes, tomato with eggs, tomato soup (番茄汤), and mushroom soup. T: How do they look? S: Nice! T: How do they taste? S: Nice. T: Yes. They are yummy. My mouth is watering. S: Look, Liu Tao’s parents are cooking in the kitchen, too. What are they cooking? Let’s watch the cartoon of Unit 6 In the kitchen. Step 3 New teaching 1. 整体感知故事内容 (1) Watch and tick. What are Liu Tao’s parents cooking? tomato soup chicken with potatoes meat with potatoes (2) Look and learn (Teach: meat with potatoes, tomato soup) 2. Read, ask and answer (1)Q: Who is cooking meat with potatoes? Who is cooking tomato soup? A: Liu Tao’s father is cooking meat with potatoes. Liu Tao’s mother is cooking tomato soup. (Teach:… is cooking …) (2) Read and talk T: How do these dishes look? S: They’re nice. T: How are the dishes?/How do the dishes taste? S: They’re yummy. Step 4 Practise 1. 整体梳理文本信息,分步骤朗读 Before dinner (1) T: Liu Tao comes home from a football match. When he gets home, what are his parents doing? S: They’re cooking dinner. T: Liu Tao smells something good. So he asks his mother: S: Are you cooking meat? (Teach:Are you … ing?) T: Is his mother cooking meat? S: No, she isn’t cooking. She’s washing vegetables and she wants to cook tomato soup. T: His father is cooking. What is he cooking? S: He’s cooking meat with potatoes. T: Wow, how yummy. T: Now let’s read the first paragraph. (2) T: Liu Tao is very hungry. So he can’t wait. And he is thirsty too. What is Liu Tao doing? Let’s read the text and answer the questions. S: Liu Tao is looking for some juice in the fridge. (Teach: look for) T: What’s in the fridge? Is there any apple juice? S: No, there’s some orange juice. T: So, Liu Tao finds some orange juice in the fridge. T: Now let’s read the second paragraph. During the dinner (3) T: (show the pictures) Look! Dinner ... ...

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