
Unit 4 Food and Restaurants 单元检测(含听力书面材料及答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:36次 大小:651701Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第四单元评估测试卷 听力部分 听音,选出你听到的单词。 1.( )A.fruit B.fish 2.( )A.juice B.rice 3.( )A.meat B.eat 4.( )A.grapes B.green 5.( )A.salr B.soup 6.( )A.chicken B.cookies 7.( )A.pop B.pepper 8.( )A.thirteen B.thirsty 9.( )A.melon B.milk 10.( )A.jam B.name 二.听录音,用“√”选出小朋友们喜欢的食物。 Name hamburger apples noodles water hot dog Li Ming Jenny Danny Wang Hong Kim 听录音,把价钱和物品连接起来。 A.five yuan B.one yuan C.two yuan D.ten yuan E.six yuan 笔试部分 看图片写单词 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— 把算式和相应的单词连接起来。 1. 3×6 A.thirteen 2. 8+9 B.seventeen 3. 4×4 C.sixteen 4.5×8 D.nineteen 5.9+10 E.eighteen 六.选出不同类的一项 ( )1.A.orange B.bread C.strawberry ( )2.A.cookies B.noodles C.dumplings ( )3.A.tea B.pop C.water ( )4.A.rice B.salt C.pepper ( )5.A.bowl B.twenty C.spoon 选出最佳答案 I_____a pencil. A.need B.am C.is 2. _____for one hot dog A.How many B.How much C.Where 3. _____you like some milk. A.Would B.What C.How many 4.May I _____your pencil A.need B.borrow C.be 5.I’d like _____noodles. A.a B.a bowl of C.am 八.读一读,连一连。 ( )1.Would you like some water A.I’d like a bottle of milk ( )2.How many bottles of juice B.Five. ( )3.What would you like,please C.Sure. ( )4.May I have one D.Two yuan. ( )5.How much for the apples E.No,thanks. 九.连词成句。 1.bottles, of, How many, juice some, Would, like, tea, you I, banana, like you, Do, pear, like one, hot dog, How much, for 十.情景对话 A:May I help you B: Yes,_____. A:Four yuan. B:_____ B:Thanks. A:_____ You’re welcome. How much for one hot dog I’ll take two,please. 听力材料 一.1.fish 2.juice 3.meat 4.grapes 5.soup 6.chicken 7.pepper 8.thirteen 9.milk 10.name 二.1.I am Li Ming .I’d like some apples and noodles. 2.I am Jenny ,I’d like noodles. 3.I am Danny. I’d like a hamburger and some water. 4.I am Wang Hong. I’d like a hot dog and some water. 5.I am Kim. I’d like some apples and an orange. 三.1.How much is the hamburger Ten yuan. 2.How much is the hot dog Six yuan. 3.How much for the potato chips Five yuan. 4.How much is the pencil One yuan. 5.How much is the eraser Two yuan. 参考答案 BAAAB ABABB 二.略 三.略 四.1.dount 2.apple 3.pear 4.orange 5.pop 五.略 六.BABAB 七.ABABB 八.EBACD 九.1.How many bottles of juice 2.Would you like some tea 3.I like bananas. 4.Do you like pears 5.How much for one hot dog 十.1. How much for one hot dog 2.I’ll take two,please. 3.You’re welcome.

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