
Unit 7 Abilities revision 课件

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:76次 大小:293192Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件23张PPT。 Unit 7 Abilities Revision 1.清理公园 P.77 clean up the park 2. 老年公寓 a home for the elderly 3.在车上让座给某人 give a seat to sb. on the bus 4.帮助他的邻居从火中出来 P.78 help his neighbour out of a fire 5. 单独在家 be at home alone 6. 把水倒在他的夹克衫上 pour water over his jacket 7. 用一条毯子灭火 put out the fire with a blanket Revision: Phrases8. 住院两个月 be in hospital for two months 9. 张华是个多勇敢的一个年轻人啊! What a brave young man Zhang Hua is! 10.小心烟火 / 火柴 be careful with fire / matches 11. 做些使你自己保持安全的事 P.79 do something to keep yourself safe 12.使长发远离火源 keep long hair away from fire 13. 推荐某人获得… P. 81 recommend sb. for sth.14. 因他的帮助而很感激 be grateful for his help 15. 摔倒 fall down 16.先想到别人 think of others first 17. 现在/过去能做某事 can/ could do sth. 18. 家长会 P. 86-87 parents’ meeting 19.在……有好的成绩 have good grades in… 20.在地理方面取得更好的结果 get better results in geography 21.组织好班级活动 organize class activities well 22. 教我如何跳舞 teach me how to dance 23.一个五岁的男孩 P. 89 a 5-year-old boy 24. 在她去兴趣小组的途中 on her way to the club 25. 期待快点收到你的来信 look forward to hearing from you soonRevision :Sentences 1.不要把任何热东西放到垃圾桶里 Don’t put anything hot into the rubbish bin. 2.别让火炉开着 Don’t leave the stove on. 3.当他从自行车上摔下时,他摔伤了胳膊. He hurt his arm when he fell off his bike. 4.如果你尽力,你就能在英语上取得更好的成绩. You can get better results in English if you try/do your best. 5.Suzy记性好并且擅长写作。 Suzy has a good memory and is good at writing. 6.当他们进行水上运动时,她常告诉年幼的学生要当心。 When they play water sports, she often tells younger students to be careful. 7. 我一点儿也不会跳舞。 I can’t dance at all. 8.在那个时刻任何事情都可能发生在她身上。 Anything could happen to her at that moment. 9.你做了什么来使你自己安全 ? ____ ____ you do ____ ____ ____ _____ ? What did to keep yourself safe Revision : the use of ‘can’/’could’1. We use ‘can’ or ‘could’ to say that we are or were able to do something 我会跳舞。 他过去会唱这首歌。2. We use ‘can’ or ‘could’ to say that something is possible.如果我们不小心的话,火可能是很危险的。 在那个时候,任何事都可能发生在他身上。I can dance.He could sing the song in the past.Fire can be very dangerous if we aren’t careful.Anything could happen to him at that moment.The boy there can’t be my brother, my brother has gone to Nanjing.选择题: 1.Mrs Li is 80 years old, so she ___ walk fast. A. could B. couldn’t C. can’t D. can 2.--__ Lucy and Lily sing this song last year? --Yes, they __. A. Can, can B. Could, could C. Could, couldn’t D. Can can’t 3. My cousin is good at sports. He _____ very high. A. can jumps B. can’t jump C. cans jump D. can jump1. School finishes at 4 p.m. The bus leaves at 4.10 p.m. We ___ take the bus. 2. It will be warm tomorrow so we ___ wear short sleeves(短袖). 3. I ___ play games on my old computer, but the new one is ... ...

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