
Unit 3 Weather PB Read and write & story time 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:37次 大小:24587879Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件43张PPT。Unit 3 Weather Read and write story time ABCDhotcoldwarmcool18°C--27°C8°C--17°C27°C--…零下--7°CPicture A/B/C/D is ____.windyWhat’s the weather like ? It’s . cloudyWhat’s the weather like ? It’s . rainyWhat’s the weather like ? It’s . snowyWhat’s the weather like ? It’s . It’s_____in Beijing.warm and sunny北京Is it warm Yes , it is.? It’s_____in Lhasa.cool拉萨No, it isn't.Is it hot?It’s_____in Hainan.hot and sunny海南Is it rainy?No, it isn't.It’s_____in Harbin.cold and snowy哈尔滨Yes, it is.Is it snowy and cold in Harbin?Read the postcard, tick √ or cross ×. ( ) John's father is in Canada. ( ) It's rainy in Sydney. ( ) The water is warm. ( ) John is in Nanchang. ×× √×Is the water cold in Sydney?Step1:Listen ,read and answer:Can John’s dad swim outside?What’s the weather like in Sydney?What’s the weather like in Sydney?It’s hot and sunny.Is the water cold in Sydney?No, it isn’t.Can John’s dad swim outside?Yes, he can.Step2:Read together. Think about it: How to write a postcard?Good to know:(明信片的书写格式)内容格式: 1.第一行开头顶格写问候语人名:Hi/Dear... 2.第二行空两格写正文。 3.署名:Love/Yours...(正文的右下角)贴邮票书写收件人 地址书写收件人邮编Hi, Miss Jiang ! How are you? I'm in Hangzhou now. It's nice! It's sunny and warm here. I can go to the park.Is it sunny and warm in Yichun? Can you ride a bike? Love Roger . WriteSecond writing(二写)Story timeQuestion 1: What’s the weather like in Beijing?Question 2: What’s the weather like in Dali?Question 3: What’s the weather like in Dalian?Story timeQuestion 1: What’s the weather like in Beijing?It’s sunny and warm.Story timeQuestion 2: What’s the weather like in Dali?It’s warm.Story timeQuestion 3: What’s the weather like in Dalian?It’s cold.Hi, boys and girls. Nice to meet you!Story time:Hello.I have a cold.Zip, are you OK?Zip,你好吗?我感冒了。It’s cold here. What’s the weather like in Beijing?It’s sunny and warm. I’ll go to Dalian to see you.这儿是冷的,北京的天气怎么样?天气晴朗暖和。我将来大连看你。Tomorrow will be warm in Dali.Oh, it’ll be warm tomorrow in Dalian.明日大理天气暖和。噢!明天大连天气暖和。Ah-choo! It’s cold here.Hi, Zoom. You look terrible. Ah-choo!Ah-choo!你看起来很糟糕。Bless you!保佑你!(希望你早日康复!)Read the story: Zip: Hello. Zoom: Zip, are you OK? Zip: I have a cold. Zip: It’s cold here. What’s the weather like in Beijing. Zoom: It’s sunny and warm. I’ll go to Dalian to see you. reporter: Tomorrow will be warm in Dali. Zoom: Oh, it’ll be warm tomorrow in Dalian. Ah-choo! It’s cold here. Zip:Hi, Zoom. You look terrible. Ah-choo! Zoom: Ah-choo! Zip/ Zoom :Bless you!exercise2:① go to Beijing ② sunny and warm ③ have a cold ④ look terrible ⑤ Bless you!A.保佑你!(希望你早点康复。) B.看起来很糟 C.去北京 D.感冒 E.晴朗和暖和 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”。 Hello!I am Mike.I am in Shanghai now.It's very hot and sunny now.I can eat watermelons and ice creams.I can swi ... ...

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