
Unit 3 Weather PA Let’s talk 课件

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:79次 大小:2759450Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。Unit 3 Weather A Le’s talk第二课时2014审定四年级下册英语第三单元课件 breakfast lunch dinner drink some water eat some rice eat some bread eat some apples have some soup have some chicken read and write sing and dance jump and run play football go outside go home go to school get up read a book say hello Let’s chant:Brrr,it’s cold. It’s coldoutside. Put on a hat. Cold, bye-bye! Mmm! It’s warm. It’s warm inside. Take off your shoes. It feels so nice.Can I go outside now?--Yes, you can. It’s warm today.Can I go outside?--Yes, you can. It’s cool today.It’s time for breakfast.8:30 a.m.Can I drink some milk?Yes, you can.Can I go outside now?--No, you can’t. It’s very cold today.Can I go outside now ?--No, you can’t. It’s very hot today.Can I go home?10:25a.m.No,you can’t.Game : 连环回答Be careful !A Let’s talkListen, watch and answer: 1、 Where time is it? 2、What does Mike ask about? 3、What does Mike’s mother say?播放影片Mum, what time is it?It’s 11:00.Can I go outside now?No,you can’t. It’s cold outside.Have some lunch, Mike.OK! Can I have some soup?Yes,you can.Be careful! It’s very hot.Mike: Dad,what time is it ?Mike:Can I _____?Dad:It’s _____?Game 2:我会表演。Dad:No, you can’t.It’s_____. Mike: OK. Can I _____? Dad:Have some _____ ,Mike.Dad:Be careful ! It’s very_____. Dad:Yes, you can.Mike: Dad,what time is it ?Mike:Can I go outside now?Dad: It’s 11:00.Dad:No, you can’t.It’s cold outside. Mike: OK. Can I have some soup? Dad:Have some lunch ,Mike.Dad:Be careful ! It’s very hot. Dad:Yes, you can.John: Dad,what time is it ?John: Can I _____?Dad:It’s _____?Game 2:我会编。Dad:No, you can’t.It’s_____. John: OK. Can I _____? Dad:Have some _____ ,Mike.Dad:Be careful ! It’s very_____. Dad:Yes, you can. John和他的爸爸在家谈论炎热的天气,你能用我们学过的知识把回话补充完整吗?A Let’s playCan I go outside?No, you can’t. It’s cold outside.慧眼识珠。(选出正确的选项) ( ) 1. —Can I go outside? — I A. Yes, you can’t. B. No, you can. C. No, you can’t. It’s cold outside. ( ) 2. I have some soup? A. Am B. Can C. hot ( ) 3. — — It’s 11:00. A. What time is it ? B. Can I go outside? C. Is it warm? ( ) 4、 你想说外面很冷,你可以这样表达: A、You can’t go outside. B、It’s cold outside. C、It’s hot outside. ( ) 5、妈妈叫你小心,汤很热,她会说: A、Would you like some soup? B、Have some soup. C、Be careful. It’s very hot.CBABC My summary(我的总结) Can I …?句型是用来征求对方许可的。 如果对方同意就用Yes, you can.来回答, 如果对方不同意就用No, you can’t.作答。 )( 1、我们要知道自己是家庭的一员,有责任做点家务活,懂得这也是爱父母和长辈的表现,要从小培养做家务活的好习惯。 2、外出时一定要告诉家人,并且要得到家人的允许。外出一定要注意安全,并且随时注意天气的变化。同学们:HomeworkTalk about the weather with your parents, classmates or friends like a weather reporter. 用英语向父母、同学、朋友咨询天气情况。 2. Choose three of your favorite sentences, read and write them down. 选出课文中你最喜欢的三个句子,念熟并写 ... ...

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