
高中英语人教版(新课程标准)必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks【教学设计】

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:93次 大小:159777Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Theme park 本单元的中心话题是“主题公园”———以某种特定的主题为中心的公园。从文体上来讲,本单元属于说明文,按照由总到分的方式来安排顺序。这是一个学生比较陌生的话题,因为大部分学生都未亲眼目睹过课本上所列举的那些公园。因此,老师应多收集相关材料,以激起学生的学习兴趣。21世纪教育网版权所有 Warming Up 部分通过提问的方式,帮助学生激活有关公园的背景知识,如修建公园的目的、公园的种类、公园提供的活动等。还配有插图让学生猜测主题公园与一般公园的不同之处。 Pre-reading部分提出了一个问题:你认为主题公园是什么?给学生充分的时间去讨论。但因学生的经历所限,老师可以在学生简短的讨论后接着单独提问,从而把问题讨论得深刻一些,为正文的阅读打下良好的基础。 21*cnjy*com Reading 部分分四段介绍了主题公园: 1. 什么是主题公园;2. 迪斯尼乐园;3. 多莱坞公园;4. 卡默洛特公园。 Comprehending部分通过释读题目THEME PARKS、填充信息、判断句子正误以及就文章内容进行讨论等形式帮助学生理解课文主旨,掌握细节,加深对本单元主题的理解。 Learning about Language 包括词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分设计了释义、造词填空(单句层次和短文层次)等三个练习,复习和运用课文中所学的词汇。语法部分主要让学生掌握合成词的构词法,扩大学生的词汇量。 Using Language 部分介绍了深圳的锦绣中华民俗村和法国的“观测未来”科技主题公园,让学生在情景中运用语言,同时了解不同文化背景、不同类型的主题公园,拓宽视野。 Learning Tip 提醒学生重视有关构词法知识的学习,让学生理解构词法知识对于英语词汇学习的重要意义,而且此部分对构词法中的转化法又做了补充说明。 教学目标 Knowledge Aim: To help the students know the differences between traditional park and theme park. To help the students understand the meaning of these parks being exist. Ability Aim: 1. To help the students get the main idea and specific information. 2. To help the students express their ideas and opinions freely.2-1-c-n-j-y Emotional Aim: Arouse students’ interest in multi-culture. Stimulate students’ interests of learning English by reading and acting and acting this play. 教学重难点 Teaching important points: To help the students get the main idea and specific information. To get the specific information in the passage to fill in the table. To help the students express their ideas and opinions in discussion. Teaching difficult points: To help the students understand the meaning of these parks being exist. 2.To help the students express their ideas and opinions freely. 教学方法 Elicitation, discussion, listening, group work. 课前准备 A computer, a blackboard 教学过程 Step1. Leading in and Warming up (Show some pictures) Task 1: try to make definitions of traditional parks and theme parks What is a traditional park and what is a theme park? _____ are places for people to experience nature in a peaceful environment. _____ are places for people to experience specific activities. Step 2. Pre-readi What do you think you can see in a theme park? buildings, castles, statues, rare animals and birds, and so on. Brainstorm : What activities can we take in a theme park? Pair Work--Interview 1. Has your partner ever tried any activity mentioned above? Why or why not? 2. ... ...

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