
高中英语北师大版高一下册模块3 Unit 8 Adventure课件(共44张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:69次 大小:1204717Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件44张PPT。Unit8 lesson1 Adventure HolidaysHow do you usually spend your holiday?Warm upGo traveling Go climbingGo to amusement parksGo surfingStay at home and watch TVIf you climb the Himalayas, will it be exciting?Read the wordsPre-readingadventure desert canoe safari hike presenter major wild tiring take off奇遇,冒险的经历沙漠,荒原乘独木舟,独木舟东非、中非游猎,探险跋涉旅行节目主持人较严重的野生的令人疲劳的起飞raft 木排,木筏 white-water rafting 激流漂流 horizon 地平线 organization 团体,组织,机构 uncomfortable 不舒服的,不自在的 route 路线,路程 porter 行李搬运工 luggage 行李 accommodation 住所,住处 hostel 旅社,招待所maximum 最大的,最多的 altitude 高度,海拔 extra 特别的,额外的 optional 可选择的,非强制的 differ 不同于,有区别 footprint 脚印,足迹 anxious 忧虑的,担心的 right now 就在此刻First ReadingMatch the paragraphs with the topics1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.experience of a hikeorganization of hikesflight arrangementsaccommodationextra offersdifficulty of hikesprices and datesSecond reading Read the text again and answer the questions.Para. 1Why do you think people would like to go on this trip? They are looking for new, exciting holiday experiences.Para. 2What is the reality of hiking holidays? Why does the organization use guides with a lot of experience?Hiking trips can be…dangerousuncomfortableGuides with a lot of experience know ……all the best routes and best places to camp.Para. 3-4Which of the following are not the flights the organization offers? A. from Beijing to Lhasa B. from London to Tibet C. from Lhasa to London D. from London to BeijingPara. 5-7Why does the company offer optional tours? Because some people may not want to go straight home afterwards. Because it is a Class A hike with walks of up to 8 hours a day and a maximum altitude of 5,545 meters.Why do people going on this trip need to be fit?What are the advantages of Adventure 2000?There are …experienced guides, cooksportersWhat are the advantages of Adventure 2000?There are …experienced guides, cooks and portersWhat are the advantages of Adventure 2000?There are …experienced guides, cooks and portersgood travel arrangementsWhat are the advantages of Adventure 2000?There are …experienced guides, cooks and portersgood travel arrangementscomfortable accommodationspecial offersThe third readingRead the text again and find out the following words and expressions.Para 1 沿着山路跋涉 珠穆朗玛峰 在地平线上 到达营地 欣赏日落 ……好吃极了 和……讨论 想有这样的经历walk along a mountain pathMount Qomolangmaon the horizonarrive at the campwatch the sun go down…taste fantastictalk with look for experiences like thisPara 2 长途跋涉旅行 跋涉旅行者的需要 多年带领跋涉旅行者旅行的经验 最佳路线 最佳宿营地 除了…还 搬运行李 尽情享受hiking holidaysthe needs of hikershave several years of experience in leading hiking tripsbest routesbest places to campas well ascarry luggagesimply enjoy the experiencePara 3 旅游安排 安排所有航班 拉萨 西藏 Para 4 食宿 青年旅店 单双人帐篷travel arr ... ...

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