
6下Unit6 An interesting country Story time课件

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:7612483Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件33张PPT。Let’s guess根据提示猜国家JapanFrance(法国) If you have a lot of money, which country will you go? Why?I’ll go to …I will=将要be going toIf I have a lot of money, I'll go to Australia.We need to find out(发现,查明) about the country. They also want to find out about a country.Q1:What’s the interesting country?Q2:What will they do?Watch and answerQ1:What’s the interesting country?Q2:What will they do?Watch and answerAustraliaQ1:What’s the interesting country?What are they going to do?They will...Q2:What will they do? The children will _____next week.They want to _____about_____ before the lessons.this country find out learn about Australia Listen and matchHow will they find out about Australia?send(发送) him some photoscome from(来自) Australia…will…read… on the Internetask Mr Greenask his e-friendgo to…and look for books and magazinesTrue or falseTTFTFT1.The children will learn about Australia.2.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia.3. Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia.4. Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia.5. Yang Ling will read books about Australia.6. Australia is an interesting country.a manMikeThink and sayWhat will Liu Tao find out about Australia? 刘涛将会找到哪些关于澳大利亚的信息呢?用几个单词概括一下。快速阅读59页animals动物sports 运动cities城市… You will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting. You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year. People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!仔细阅读P59,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。 You will find many interesting things in Australia. You will love our kangaroos and koalas. kangarooskoalas You will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting. You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year. People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!仔细阅读P59,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。 Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting(令人激动的). 澳大利亚橄榄球A 运动员B 运动爱好者 You will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting. You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year. People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!仔细阅读P59,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。 You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. SydneySydney 悉尼(澳大利亚第一大城市)It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year.Melbourne墨尔本 (第二大城市)Canberra 堪培拉 (澳大利亚首都)SydneykangarooskoalasAustralia footballLet’s read朗读时注意语音语调哦!The chil ... ...

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