
小学英语绘本阅读 How Bear Lost his Tail PDF文档+音频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:44次 大小:17373101Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    SBORNE FIRST READING tow Bear ost his Tail Retold by Lucy Bowman Illustrated by Ciaran Duffy Scanned by CamScanner tow bear ost his Tail Retold by lucy bowman Illustrated by Ciaran Duffy Reading consultant: Alison Kell University of roehampton d by cam scanne 多 Once upon a time, Bear The other animals ad a long, thick ta loved his tail 2 d by cam scanne Bear didnt like eit at d He tripped over it when he was walking d by cam scanne It tickled his nose Little animals would when he tried to sleep eⅴ en ride on1t aTishoo d by cam scanne It's not fair! Be ears tail is better He decided to play than mine, "thought Fox. a trick on him d by cam scanne He crept over to and took a a fisherman ew ish d by cam scanne Fox carried the fish to Bear smelled them an ice hole in the lake e came closer 13 d by cam scanne m 尺 Those fish look “ I can show uou how to delicious;” said bear catch them” said fox d by cam scanne The fish will bite it and you can p them out Put your tail in the hole,” Fox told bear It may take some time 16 d by cam scanne

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