
小学英语绘本阅读 How Elephants lost their Wings PDF文档+音频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:68次 大小:18138304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    USBORNE FIRST READING QOw Ceprano lost esley sim lustrated bx k atie lcⅴe」 annes Cam Scanne ow Elephant Retold by lesley sims Designed and illustrated by Katie Lovell Reading Consultant: Alison Kelly Roehampton university d by cam scanne This story is about flying elephants houses peacocks and two gods banana 女 trees d by cam scanne Once upon a time, elephants could fly They flew everywhere 米 d by cam scanne Theu fle e ew hig into the sky… They even cope the loop and down to the ground d by cam scanne Sometimes, the gods flew on their backs d by cam scanne But the elephants Trees and houses were noisy shoo k below them 米 e C 米 They yelled, and crowed like roosters d by cam scanne They flew into trees They landed on and smashed the ouses 米 and fell right throug 13 d by cam scanne Soon all the trees were broken and there were no houses left We must stop them,” aid the gods, and they thought of a trick C d by cam scanne They invited the elephants to a grand 2 feast. The elephants ate 一( and ate When their tummies 9 were full. they slept. d by cam scanne

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