
小学英语绘本阅读 Little miss muffet PDF文档+音频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:92次 大小:18200428Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    刂 SBORNE E| RST READ|NG e oiss buffet Retold by Russell punter Lustrated by Corena Alvarez Scanned by Camscanner 6 oiss buffet Retold by russell Punter 蝶 Illustrated by Lorena alvarez Reading consultant: Alison Kelly Roehampton University d by cam scanne 学 Little miss muftet, ai eating her curds sat on a t effet sea and whey d by cam scanne Along came a spider, who dropped down and frightened miss beside her k muffet away 4 d by cam scanne Help! cried She ran from her tuffet Miss muffet ( and into the woods d own below d by cam scanne “ Come back calle d I,'m sorry for scaring the spide ou so He rushed off o find her d by cam scanne The little girl sighed. Now I'm lost I'll be stuck here all night M Wh What a bad place 1b to hide d by cam scanne Then she heard a deep growl OWWWW00000/ grrrr/ and an ear-splitting They gave poor Miss how Muffet a fright 13 d by cam scanne a big wolf jumped out分“ It's time for my dinner, He said with a shout, my dear. d by cam scanne "I'll have little gi pie!""Put her down! " came a cry Don 't worry Seb spider is here.” d by cam scanne

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