
Unit 4 At the farm PA Let’s talk Let’s try 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:76次 大小:2553344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。 Part A Let’s talk Let’s tryUnit 4 At the farmssssI like pears/bananas…. They are yummy!--They are bananas. --What’s this? (It’s yellow.It has long body.)--It’s a banana.--What are these?--Wow!They’re so big! they are=they’re (他/它们是) -e / i: / he we these[e?s] [ei:z] this -- these 这个 这些Hello, rabbit! Do you like ?No, I don’t. I like carrots. They’re yummy. carrotcarrots 1. --What is this ? --It’s a carrot. 2.--What are these? --They’re carrots. They’re orange.--Wow!They’re so big! tomato --What is this ?--It’s a tomato.--What are these?--They are tomatoes. [z] They are red.--What are these?--They are tomatoes. But they’reyellow. --What are these? --They’re tomatoes. .www.xkb1.comWhat are these? They are…. What are these? They are…. 123根据所给提示创编对话A: Look at these. Are these __? B: Yes, they are. A: Wow! They are so __. A: What are these? B: They’re_____. A: But they are_____. B: Try some! They are good. A: Thanks. Yum.根据所给提示创编对话A: Look at these. Are these _____? B: Yes, they are. A: Wow! They are so __. A: What are these? B: They’re_____. A: But they are so____. B: They are tea cup dogs. (茶杯犬) Guess: What are these? Are they…? Vegetables and fruits are healthy food. They are green food. We should eat more. Tank you! Good bye!

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