
Unit 6 An interesting country Fun & culture time 课件

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:58次 大小:20551853Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件42张PPT。Unit 6 An interesting country AustraliaKangaroo [ k??g?'ru: ]?koala[ k?u'ɑ:l? ]?Sydney Opera House [ 'sidni ]?[ '?p?r? ] What do you know about Australia?Australia lies in _____. the South Pacific Ocean_____ is the capital of Australia.CanberraAustralia is famous for _____.kangaroos_____ is mainly spoken in Australia.English ['k?nb?r?]2. Where do most of people live in Australia?1. The biggest city in Australia is _____. Look clear at the question2. Where do most of people live in Australia?1. The biggest city in Australia is _____. Look clear at the questionMost of its people live in the east of the country by the sea. SydneyLet’s know more about Koala1. How many hours do Koala spend resting and sleeping?2. What colour is Koala’s fur?Look clear at the question1. How many hours do Koala spend resting and sleeping?2. What colour is Koala’s fur?Look clear at the questionA. 9 to 18 hours B. 18 or 20 hours C. 9 or 20 hours D. 18 to 20 hoursDGray.Hello!CuteLet’s Learn more about Kangaroos1. What do Kangaroos eat?2. Kangaroos can be the size of a rat(鼠) or as tall as a _____.Look clear at the question1. What do Kangaroos eat?grass, leaves, meat, and some flowering plants grass, leaves, roots, and some flowering plants fruit, leaves, roots, and flowers grass, vegetables, roots, and some flowersBLook clear at the question2. Kangaroos can be the size of a rat(鼠) or as tall as a _____.A. boy B. tree C. man D. bearCLook clear at the questionPrettyLet’s Know about The Sydney Opera 1.Although only having been open since _____. A.1974 B.1937 C.1973 D.1947 Look clear at the questionWhat is the one of the most photographed in Australia? A.the Great Wall B. Thames C.Big Ben D. Opera House 1.Although only having been open since _____. A.1974 B.1937 C.1973 D.1947 Look clear at the questionWhat is the one of the most photographed in Australia? A.the Great Wall B. Thames C.Big Ben D. Opera House cD Uluru乌鲁鲁巨石澳大利亚艾尔斯岩石(Ayers Rock)又名艾亚斯岩,又名乌鲁鲁巨石。艾尔斯岩高348米,长3000米,基围周长约9.4公里,东高宽而西低狭,是世界最大的整体岩石(体积虽巨,只是独块石头)。它气势雄峻,犹如一座超越时空的自然纪念碑,突兀于茫茫荒原之上,在耀眼的阳光下散发出迷人的光辉。 [ 'u:l?ru: ]The Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁)[greit ?b?ri? ri:f].An interesting country --The UK The UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland简称“英国”(United Kingdom) 女王伊丽莎白二世(QueenElizabeth ll) TeddyBear(a famous toy bear) Famous cities: London , Oxford,Birmingham famous places in London Big Ben 大本钟 (世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一)Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥 (开悬索桥)London Eye伦敦眼(观光摩天轮)ChinaNational flag: five-star red flag National animal: panda Captial city: Beijing Famous cities: Shanghai, Guangzhou, and so on Famous places: The Great Wall, Famous food: Peking duck,dumplings and so onTheEndGoodbye ... ...

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