
Module 5 Unit 1 They're cows 课件(两个课时)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:45次 大小:15320755Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 5 Unit 1 They’re cows Let's sing———Old Macdonald This is your... / These are your... hands eyes head mouth body legs face feet ears Cows Pigs ducks chickens eggs farm Let's learn Daming and Sam are catching(捉) a _____ A. A pink dog B. A pink pig B Let’s listen and answer. exercises: Grandpa, Sam and Daming are _____. on the farm in the zoo ( ) ( ) √ 2.What are the animals on the farm cows ducks chickens ( ) ( ) ( ) √ √ √ 3. There are _____eggs. eleven eggs twelve eggs ( ) ( ) √ Game Let's guess a nose It is a pig s pig a face It is a cow cow s What are they They are _____. chickens one egg What are they They are ____. eggs Act and say Homework(课后作业): 画一幅农场的画,并用英语介绍里面的动物给爸妈听 This is my farm. They’re cats / dogs / pigs / chickens / cows … 2. 跟读课文第26-27页 3. 练习情景对话和自我介绍,各一次 Module 5 Unit 1 They're cows Let's sing———Old Macdonald Game Listen and guess Listen and guess It is a cat Listen and guess It is a duck Listen and guess It is a pig Listen and guess It is a cow Listen and guess It is a chicken They are eggs Listen and guess They are birds Listen and guess They are dogs What are they They are pigs What are they They are cows What are they They are chickens What are they They are monkeys What are they They are birds What are they They are fish A Guessing Game! They ’re cows. They’re pigs. They’re chickens. They’re dogs. They’re chickens. They’re pigs. They’re eggs. They’re cows. ① ② ③ ④ Look and match A. B. C. D. What are they They’re chickens. They’re pigs. They’re eggs. They’re cows. What are they They’re birds. They’re cats. They’re ducks. They’re dogs.

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