
2018年浙江外研版中考英语复习第二讲七年级上 Modules 6-10

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:127091Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第二讲 七年级上 Modules 6~10                    一、完形填空。 Now we have the Internet and TV programmes.There is so __1__ to talk about.They are around us all the time and __2__ us all kinds of things.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 To help kids stay away from bad __3__ ,a two-day meeting was held in Shanghai last week.People at the meeting talked about how to make kids?programmes and books __4__ .They want kids to grow up in an information world __5__ fights or terror(恐怖). The Internet and TV programmes help people learn __6__ is going on around them.__7__ sometimes what they tell you may be wrong.You need to use your __8__ and think for a while when you are watching TV or surfing the Internet.2·1·c·n·j·y “Let?s take air-cushioned (带气垫的) sports shoes for __9__ !”Advertisements say people can run faster if they wear these shoes.But you need to make __10__ how useful the shoes really are.The shoes may __11__ you look cool,but will they really make you run faster?Before you spend all your __12__ on something advertisements want you to buy,think twice.Each company says they have the best sports shoes in the world __13__ they want you to buy their shoes.21·世纪*教育网 To __14__ kids from being badly effected,grow-ups are trying to make the media safer for them.21*cnjy*com The Internet workers at the Shanghai meeting said __15__ should be no bad things in web pages and TV programmes for kids to see.They also said they would try to care more about the views of kids. (B)1.A.many B.much C.little D.few (D)2.A.speak B.say C.talk D.tell (C)3.A.books B.teaching C.information D.games (A)4.A.better B.easier C.cleaner D.worse (B)5.A.with B.without C.under D.above (C)6.A.who B.which C.what D.that (B)7.A.Because B.But C.So D.Since (C)8.A.hand B.mouth C.head D.foot (C)9.A.fun B.short C.example D.sport (A)10.A.sure B.decision C.mind D.way (B)11.A.train B.make C.serve D.realize (D)12.A.knowledge B.time C.spirit D.money (C)13.A.though B.so C.because D.unless (A)14.A.stop B.frighten C.attract D.treat (D)15.A.we B.they C.it D.there 二、阅读理解。 Have you ever been to music festival?During a summer holiday in Hungary (匈牙利),I went to my first music festival!The Sziget Festival has been running every year in Budapest since 2002 and it is one of Europe?s biggest music festivals.Sziget lasts for a week and features famous singers and bands from around the world.In Hungarian the word ‘Sziget?means island,which is a very proper name as the festival takes place on a large island in the middle of the Danube River in Budapest.The festival has many visitors from around the world and lots of people come on special ‘party trains’ from other countries such as France and the Netherlands. The island used to be a small village,with shops,restaurants,bars,and many tents for music performances.By the late afternoon the music started.First of all I saw a Hungarian band which played techn ... ...

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