
2018年浙江外研版中考英语复习第十一讲九年级上 Modules 5-8

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:47次 大小:126905Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第十一讲 九年级上 Modules 5~8                      一、完形填空。 Many children and even grown-ups find it difficult to share their favourite things with others.__1__ ,you may get a big reward by sharing what you have with someone else.Let's __2__ Azzurra's story: Once upon a time,there was a little princess called Azzurra.She lived in a castle and she always got everything she wanted.But she had no __3__ .Everyone in the castle respected her,but __4__ liked her. One day,a huge and wild dragon came to the castle.Everyone was afraid of it __5__ it was a fire dragon.It could emit (发出) __6__ .The dragon made everyone run for their lives. One night,Azzurra had a __7__ dream.In the dream,she found that when the dragon ate candies,its __8__ got red.When the dragon had no candies to eat,its heart got black.The dragon said to Azzurra,“Share your candies with me and you'll become the happiest princess.” Just then,Azzurra was __9__ from her dream by a loud knock at the door.Someone shouted,“Azzurra,the dragon is going to __10__ your brother.” Azzurra dressed herself __11__ ,took her candies and ran out of her bedroom.Seeing the __12__ fire dragon,Azzurra threw one of her candies to it.The dragon set Azzurra's __13__ free at once and enjoyed the candy.Azzurra discovered that giving candies to the dragon could really calm it down. From then on,Azzurra didn't play by herself any more.Everyone took great pride in __14__ .Azzurra realised that __15__ was a pretty good thing.Even the dragon became a good friend of Azzurra's. (A)1.A.However B.Instead C.Perhaps D.Hardly (B)2.A.print B.read C.write D.publish (D)3.A.troubles B.dreams C.parents D.friends (B)4.A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.anybody (D)5.A.so B.if C.though D.because (A)6.A.fire B.light C.water D.sand (B)7.A.sweet B.strange C.mad D.boring (B)8.A.nose B.heart C.eyes D.ears (D)9.A.taken off B.taken away C.given up D.woken up (C)10.A.refuse B.accept C.kill D.invite (B)11.A.carefully B.quickly C.simply D.excitedly (C)12.A.lovely B.friendly C.angry D.polite (C)13.A.son B.daughter C.brother D.sister (B)14.A.him B.her C.them D.me (D)15.A.receiving B.learning C.dreaming D.sharing 二、阅读理解。 When we want to find out what the weather will be like tomorrow,we usually turn on the radio or TV.But in the time before radio and TV,people needed to forecast (预测) the weather.How did they do it?Let's learn about two weather rhymes (押韵的诗) together. Red sky at night, Sailor's delight! Red sky in the morning, Sailors take warning! This weather rhyme was written a long time ago,but it still works today.As the sun is setting,a red sky at night usually means there are no clouds coming in from the west,a sign of good weather for tomorrow.But a red sky in the morning always means drier air is moving away to the east and moister air is moving in from the west.The moist air could bring clouds,rain and stormy weather. When ... ...

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