
Module 6 Unit 2 Was it a big city then ? 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:24次 大小:7838720Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 6 Unit 2 Was it a big city then Suzy Listen and sing 昨天的收获还记得吗? 1,七个新单词都能够识读了吗? 2,掌握了含有yesterday 表达一般过去时的句子了吗? 我们一起“温故而知新” 你都记住了吗? 1.yesterday A. 健康的 2.out B.谢谢 3.well C.昨天 4.thanks D.不在家 5. sun E.乡村,村子 6.lesson F.一节课 7.village G.太阳 跟读单词,再次记忆(你们很棒) Were you at… yesterday Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t. 一分钟同桌两人一组对话问答 Is he strong Was he strong then Yes, he is. Yes, he was. 你知道这两个单词吗? city village city city city City is big and beautiful. Now Shenzhen is a big ____. Big and beautiful Shenzhen village Village 乡村 Village 村子 small and old Village is small,but beautiful too. 听录音35页,回答以下问题: 1,Where is Lingling’s grandpa 2,Is Shenzhen a big city now 3,Was it a big city then No, it _____. It _____ a small_____ then. wasn’t was village 那时的海口 现在的海口 学的怎么样,展示台上比比看 小组内根据图片两人或四人一组谈论海口的现在与过去。三分钟后,抽生上台展示! (要求运用所学内容自由创作。) Summary 同学们想一想,今天你的收获是什么? 1,是否收获了七个新单词? 2,是否收获了新的句型表达? 当堂练习(用was,were,am,is,are填写) 1,They ____ young then. Now they____ old. 2,Her hair ____ short then. Now her hair ___ long. 3,She ___ at home yesterday. Now she ___ out for English lesson. 4,It ___ a small villgae then.Now it ___a big city. were are was is was is was is 单项选择 1,I ___ at the zoo yesterday. A.were B. was , C.did 2. ____ you at the park yesterday A. Is B. Are C. Were D. were 3,____ you at school now A. Did B. Is C. Are 4, Were you ____ home yesterday No, I ____ A, at wasn’t B. / don’t C. in weren’t B C C A Homework 1. 朗读Listen and say部分的课文. 2. 熟记本模块的新单词:yesterday,out, well, lesson, thanks, sun, village

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