
Unit 1 School life Lesson 1 I’m new here 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:64次 大小:6324979Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。Lesson 1 I’m New Here.Warm up! TPR Showmake the bedWhat are you doing?I’m making the bed.ride a bikeWhat are you doing?I’m ridng a bike.do houseworkWhat are they doing?They are doing housework.do houseworkWhat is he doing?He’s putting away the clothes.clean the blackboardclean the classroomdo word exercisedrink waterwait for a classmatehave a lessonActivityGuessing Game.Listen to the CD, and answer the following questions. What class is the boy in? What’s the boy’s name? What are the students doing?He’s in Class 3, Grade 6. He’s Sam Smith.They are waiting for Sam Smith. Listen and read.Listen and read.Role play.Listening Exercising. Play a Game.make your school ID card. Name: Chen Siru Class: 1 Grade: 1 School: Beihu Primary School Hello! My naem is Chen Sirui. Sirui is my first name and Chen is my famliy name. I’m 2 years old. I study in Beihu Primary School. I’m in Class 1, Grade 1. nice to meet you.please write something about yourself.Read and understand.Sound.

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