
Unit 6 How many? PA 一课一练(含答案解析)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:63次 大小:307306Byte 来源:二一课件通
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三年级下册英语一课一练-Unit 6 How many? Part A(含答案) 一、单选题(共11题;共22分) 1.? Five A.?that??????????????????????????????????????????B.?this??????????????????????????????????????????C.?two 2.Look, I have some_____. A.?cat?????????????????????????????????????????B.?dog?????????????????????????????????????????C.?bread 3.? Kite A.?ball?????????????????????????????????????????B.?tall?????????????????????????????????????????C.?small 4.How many apples? A.?Eleven.???????????????????????????????????????????B.?Ten. ? 5.? Black A.?kite??????????????????????????????????????B.?brown??????????????????????????????????????C.?banana 6.选出不同项(? ) A.?twelve???????????????????????????????????????B.?black???????????????????????????????????????C.?blue 7.选出不同项(? ) A.?tiger???????????????????????????????????????B.?two???????????????????????????????????????C.?fourteen 8.How many____ do you see? A.?monkeys?????????????????????????????????B.?monkey?????????????????????????????????C.?monkeies 9.How many children do you see? A.?Eleven.?????????????????????????????????????????B.?Twelve. ? 10.? See A.?many?????????????????????????????????????B.?beautiful?????????????????????????????????????C.?look 11.Can I have____ milk, please? A.?a?????????????????????????????????????????B.?some?????????????????????????????????????????C.?many 二、判断题(共5题;共10分) 12.I'm cat. I'm number seventeen. 13.I see 12 pencils. 14.I see twenty pencils. 15.I see fourteen kites. 16.I'm monkey. I'm number thirteen. 三、填空题(共10题;共41分) 17.选字母填空。 a,?? ?e, ???i, ???o,?? ?u (1)d_____ck???? ??? (2)k_____te??? ????? (3)t_____n (4)h_____nd???? ??? (5)b_____x 18.句子排序。 (_____) Wow! How many books do you have? (_____) Thank you. (_____) Look at my new books! (_____) I have fourteen books. (_____) Cool! And your books are good! ? 19.给图片选择正确的英文 ?_____?????_____??????_____????_____?????_____ A. bird????? B. eraser???? C. kite?????? D. ruler????? E. book 20.将下列图片和句子配对。 ① Where are my books? _____?????A. I'm from Shanghai. ② Do you like apples? _____?????B. No, I don't. ③ Where are you from, John?_____?????C. They are in your bag. 21.把正确答语前的字母填到横线上 ①6How many birds do you see?_____ ②I'd like car 18,please._____ ③What's this?_____ ④How many balls do you have?_____ a. I have 11.???? b. OK??????? c. My new crayons????? d. I see 15. 22.选择正确的数字填空。 A. eleven ?B. twelve?? C. thirteen?? D. fourteen ?E. fifteen (1)7+8=_____ (2)12-1=_____ (3)3×4=_____ (4)26÷2=_____ (5)18-7+3=_____ 23.将图片与英语单词匹配。 ① kite _____?????A. ② teacher _____?????B. ③ strawberry _____?????C. 24.将图片与英语单词匹配。 ① USA _____?????A. ② sixteen _____?????B. ③ pear _____?????C. 25.将下列图片和句子配对。 ① How many kites do you see? _____?????A. I see four. ② I don't like chicken. _____?????B. Me. neither. ③ I like rice and eggs. _____?????C. Me. too. 26.根据汉语意思写出英语单词。 ①猫_____???????????②红色_____????????③钢笔_ ... ...

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