
(公开课)三年级上册 Unit10 Numbers第一课时(课件+素材)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:23次 大小:29361496Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 Numbers 上海牛津深圳版 三年级上 Numbers 10 Oxford English Period 1 What are numbers telephone number 86002454 87269008 60501661 Show me … Hello, I’m Nini. I am ____ years old.(岁) I like animals. Yoyo is my sister. five Hi, I am Yoyo . I am ____ years old.(岁) I like animals too. Nini is my brother. four Today we are going to the zoo. Dad , Mum, open the door. We are late. Mum, I don’t like fruit ,I want some snack . Ok , let’s go to the snack bar . I want three oranges and some toys. Can I help you Pizzas, please. One pizza, please. hot dogs, please. Two hot dogs,please. How many pizzas How many hot dogs Here you are. Thank you. Is that ok No,no ,I want some fruits and toys. I am so tired, who can help me :five apples three oranges two bananas :one ball two kites Thank you , Let’ go to the bus stop. 226 66 34 I know, Bus No._____ and _____ go to the zoo. 66 Peiying school to Shenzhen zoo 121 Peiyng school to Shenzhen zoo 34/226 Peiying school to Shenzhen park Yoyo, which bus goes to the zoo 66 121 Peiying school Let me have a look. four Five Three two one Bus No.66 two five two one apples oranges bananas hot dogs pizza kites ball years old years old 10 one six three four five two Game:love hug We are in the zoo How many monkeys, Yoyo One, two….. eight monkeys. Very good, Yoyo. Wow,monkeys Look , how many giraffes Yoyo I know, nine giraffes. Um,one,two,um….. How many elephants Do you know, Yoyo . Um,one,two,um….. Well done, Yoyo. I know, seven elephants. No, ten elephents. So many animals. We are so happy. Let’s enjoy the food. eight monkeys Animals How many… nine giraffes three+seven=ten elephants 10 seven eight nine ten nine nine three three four four five five seven seven two two one one eight eight ... plus ... is ... Calculate five + three = eight four+five= eight+two= two+three= one+two= four+three= five+one= … minus ... is ... ? five - three = two sever-four= nine-eight= three-one= nine-three= eight-four= ten-seven= 同学们,你们知道生 活中常用的紧急电话吗? Police Fire Ambulance 114 查询电话号码: 老师,我家里有急事, 今天想请假! Tel: 135 758 956 85 1 Read page 51. 2 Make number cards. 3 Act out the dialogue in pairs. 4 Complete Workbook page 60. one 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源网站 有大把优质资料?一线名师?一线教研员? 赶快加入21世纪教育网名师合作团队吧!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看:http://www.21cnjy.com/zhaoshang/Teaching plan zengxiaoxia Teaching key points: Words: one ,two ,three ,four, five, six ,seven, eight, nine, ten.21世纪教育网版权所有 Sentence: How many……s Teaching objectives: 1. Review the sounds and shapes of the words one…ten. 2. Students can spell the words one…ten. 3. Students can use the sentence “how many….s in daily life and answer them with the numbers.21·cn·jy·com Warming up: 1. Sing a song << Numbers>> 2. Greetings. 3. Do some exercises of numbers. Procedures: 1. Lead in : Enjoy a story 《 Go to the ... ...

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