
Unit 4 Where is my car? 单元测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:37次 大小:368999Byte 来源:二一课件通
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三年级下册英语单元测试-Unit 4 Where is my car?(含答案) 一、单选题(共10题;共20分) 1.(??????? )他在你的书桌里。 A.?It's on your desk.????????????????????B.?Is it in your desk?????????????????????C.?It's in your desk. 2.Let's go home!??????????????????????????? A.?Silly you!?????????????????????????????????????????B.?OK!? 3.选出不同项(? ) A.?desk?????????????????????????????????????????B.?the?????????????????????????????????????????C.?chair 4.你祝朋友玩得愉快,你可以说:_____ A.?Thank you!??????????????????????????????????B.?Have a good time! 5. A.?The dog is on the boat.??????????????????????B.?The dog is under the boat. 6.那是对的。 A.?You're right.?????????????????????????????????????B.?That's right. 7.—Where are you? —_____behind you. A.?I'm?????????????????????????????????????????B.?It's?????????????????????????????????????????C.?You're 8.Where's my schoolbag? A.?That's my schoolbag.??????????????????B.?It's my schoolbag..??????????????????C.?It's over there. 9. A.?Where is my car???????????????????B.?Where is my book??????????????????C.?Where is my boat??? 10.- Is it under the map? (???? ) -? ????????????? A.?Yes, it isn't?????????????????????????????????B.?Yes, it is.?????????????????????????????????C.?No, it is. 二、判断题(共8题;共16分) 11.The ruler is under the pencil box. ? 12.The book is under the bag. 13.The chair is under the desk. 14.The sharpener (卷笔刀) is under the desk. 15.The ruler is in the pencil box. ? 16.The bag is on the desk. 17.Look at the elephant. It's so big. 18.The ball is on the box. ? 三、填空题(共6题;共17分) 19.Read and choose. 问答句匹配。 Where is the boat?_____????????? A. Yes,it is. Is it your pencil? _____???????????? B. It's on the desk. Have a good time!_____????????? C. OK. Let's play a game._____???????? D. Thank you. 20.Is the cap on the bed?_____ 21.Is it _____the desk? No! 22.I'm_____. I have a small nose and a small mouth. I have small eyes too. ? 23.句子排序。 (_____) Is it on your desk? (_____) Sure. (_____) Excuse me! Can I use your eraser? (_____) Where is my eraser? (_____) Look! It's under the chair. (_____) No, it isn't. 24.看图,选出与图片相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在括号内。 A. The car is on the box.? B.? Mom, where is my ball??? - Look, It's under the chair. C. ?- Is the book on the desk? - No, it isn't. It's on the ruler. D. ?-Is the cat in the bag?? - Yes, it is. ? ?_____ ? ?_____ ?? ??_____ ?? ?_____ 四、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题;共5分) 25.选择正确的方位介词填空。 on????? under???? in?????? behind (1)The book is _____ the chair. (2)The ruler is _____ the book. (3)The book is _____ the desk. (4)The books are _____ the bag. (5)The boy is _____ the chair. 五、补全对话(共1题;共5分) 26.选出最佳应答语。 A.Thank you very much. B.Bye! C.It's in the pencil box. D.Great! E.No,it isn't. (1)—Where is my pencil? —_____ (2)Is it on the chair? —_____ (3)Here you are. —_____ (4)Bye! —_____ (5)Let's play a game. —_____ 六、阅读理解(共1题;共5分) 27.阅读短文,完成问题 ? ... ...

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