
Unit 5 Look at me! Cartoon time 教案

日期:2024-05-07 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:46次 大小:325500Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Look at me! Cartoon time 一、Teaching contents 教学内容 Cartoon time 二、Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 能读懂Cartoon大意并体会其中的趣味性,并能有感情地表演故事。 2. 能得体地为故事续编一个新的结尾。 三、Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:能读懂Cartoon大意并体会其中的趣味性,并能有感情地表演故事。教学难点:能得体地为故事续编一个新的结尾。 四、Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step1. Pre-reading T: Yesterday we had a fashion show in class. Today our friend Bobby wants to join our fashion show too. (头戴Bobby头饰) Hello, I’m Bobby. S: Hello./ Hi. T: If you are Bobby, what clothes would you like to choose and what would you like to say? S: (以小组为单位,自编对话。Look at my…. How…) 【设计意图:通过为Cartoon time续编一个开头,让学生进一步复习和巩固本单元的目标句型。】 Step 2. While-reading 1. T: Bobby joins the fashion show. He’s happy now. And his mum wants to join the party too. Look at the picture, is she happy? (呈现最后一幅图Bobby妈妈的脸) S: No. T: What happened? Do you want to know? Let’s watch the video. (播放动画) S: (学生可用中文解释为什么Bobby的妈妈后来很生气) T: What color is Mum’s T-shirt? Is it red? S: It’s yellow. 【设计意图:通过观察图片,激发学生的阅读兴趣。通过看视频,整体感知故事大意。】 2. T: Let’s read the story. (呈现第一和第二幅妈妈的图片) At first, mum is very happy. What does she say? S: Look at my new skirt. S: Look at my new T-shirt. T: How do we say the two sentences? S: (体会妈妈的内心,并有感情地说出这两个句子) T: (呈现爸爸看报纸的图片) Look, what is Bobby’s dad doing? S: 看报纸。 T: 他在意妈妈穿的是什么吗? S: 不,因为他看报纸看得很专注。 T: If you’re Bobby’s dad, what can you say? S: (体会人物内心。有感情的读出 “It’s nice.”, “It’s great.”) T: (呈现第三幅图) How is Mum and Dad? Mum is very … S: 生气。 T: Yes, she’s very angry. How about Dad? S: 害怕。 T: He’s very scared. What are they talking about? Can you guess? S: … T: Let’s open our books and find what they’re talking about. S: 跟读第三第四幅图对话,可多读几遍,读出人物各自的语气。 T: Dad says Mum’s T-shirt is red, but is it red? What does Mum say? S: Red?/Is it red? T: Can you guess what dad says at last? S: Haha./ Sorry. / It’s yellow. T: Can you give a title to this story? S: … 【设计意图:通过逐幅图猜测、验证、寻找等手段,进一步发掘人物内心的变化,并能正确地读出各自的语气。最后通过让学生自己来为故事命名,发散学生的思维,锻炼学生的思维能力。】 Step3 Post-reading 1. 跟读课文。 2. 男女生分角色读。 3. 角色扮演。 4. 故事续编:Bobby的爸爸第二天上班穿衣服,想要妈妈为他参考一下,但是妈妈正在厨房做早饭,他们会发生怎样幽默的对话呢? 五、Homework: 1. 跟读模仿Cartoon time三遍,并能表演出来。 2. 和你的伙伴一起为故事进行续编。 六、Teaching aids: 教学课件、人物头饰 板书设计 _____ Look at my What colour is my…? 说课: 本课时是该单元的第三课时,应该起到对本单元的功能句型进一步巩固和运用的作用,所以在上课伊始,我先让学生自己编对话,为Bobby挑选派对的衣服,同时也为引出Cartoon time 做铺垫。 ... ...

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