
Moudle8 Time off Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about( 课件+教案+习题)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:27次 大小:24205171Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 外研版英语八年级下册Module 8 Time off Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about. 教学设计 课题 Time off 单元 Unit 2 学科 English 年级 8 学习目标 Knowledge objectiveKey vocabulary: squa re, kilometers, shape, human, wake, somebody, path, pullKey structures: wake up, pull off Ability objectiveTo get information about Zhangjiajie.To master the object clauses. Moral objectiveTo know more about other person’s opinion; 重点 To learn some expressions in the passage. 难点 To learn the object clauses. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Step 1. Warming-upLook at the picture and answer展示一些图片和问题,请学生观察并回答 根据图片回答问题 用学生熟悉的内容练习以复习旧识 讲授新课 Step 1. Presentation1.Have you ever been to Zhangjiajie Now let's watch a video about it.2.Look at the photo and write down words that can best describe it.Step 2. Pairwork1.Works in pairs. Wha t do you know about Zhangjiajie Can you answer the questions 2.Listen and check your answers to Activity 2.Step 3 Reading1.Watch and answer the questions:1)Where is it 2)Who does Betty is staying with 2.Read the passage and answer the questions.Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions.How large is Zhangjiajie What does the strange shape of its tall rocks look like Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.Last night we _____. 2)During the night, we heard a noise! It_____. 3)We came out without _____. 4)And found it was just a hungry monkey ____.Read Paragraph 3 and judge the sentences.1)They climbed Mount Tianzi. 2)Betty pulled a leaf off a plant. Read Paragraph 4 and answer the questions.1)Where are they going tomorrow 2)When will they go back to school 3.Language points:1)have a wonderful time2)square kilometre3)some… others…4)wake up5)without doing sth.6)It’s a pity that + 从句7)pull sth. Off8) the second largest4.Number the sentences in the correct order.5.Complete the se ntences with the correct form of the words in the box.Step 4. PairworkWork in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Activity 5. 观看和张家界有关的视频看图写下形容图片的词结对练习 听音检查答案观看动画,回答问题逐段学习课文并完成相应练习,讲解重点语法阅读课文,完成练习结对练习活动5 通过展示的视频和图片,让学生了解张家界,引入新课通过对话练习巩固新句型,并引出新知识通过练习提高快速阅读及听力能力对文章中出现的知识点,及时指出并讲解,为以后做题奠定基础有任务的阅读练习,提高阅读水平提高学生口语水平 练习巩固 Step 1 Exercise 完成句子。 1.张家界以高大的奇石而出名。Zhangjiajie _____ the _____2. 有些山看起来像动物。Some mountains __ ___ animals.3.在公园里不许摘树叶。Don’t _____ leaves in the park.4.昨天晚上10点钟妈妈叫醒 了我。My mother ____ me___ at 10 o’clock yesterday.5.张家界有480平方千米。Zhangjiajie is 480_____. Step 2 Writing1.Read the information about Zhangjiajie.2.Choose the most important or interesting facts about Zhangjiajie and write a passage about it.Step 3 HomeworkWrite a passage .A / An _____ trip (exciting /interesting /wonderful / unhappy/ s ... ...

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