
Unit 8 From hobby to career 单元测试题(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:26次 大小:61952Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2016-2017年天省七年级下册英语Unit8单元测试卷 班级:_____ 姓名:_____ 学号:_____ 说明:本试卷共6页, 满分100分 语音(10分,每小题1分) A. 找出划线部分与所给音标发音相同的一项 ( )1.[i?] A.bear B.career C.heard D.pair21世纪教育网版权所有 ( )2.[u] A.shoot B.cooker C.foolish D.root21教育网 ( )3.[?u] A.alone B.connect C.produce D.nothing ( )4.[?] A.achieve B.machine C.touch D.change B. 找出划线部分与其他三项发音不同的一项 ( )5. A.host B.joke C.coast D.Europe2-1-c-n-j-y ( )6. A.anybody B.planet C.add D.imagine21教育名师原创作品 ( )7. A.lively B.decide C.diamond D.fridge21*cnjy*com C.找出重读音节位置不同的一项 ( )8. The increase of the number of the students encourages the ordinary teacher. A B C D ( )9. The seller disagreed to throw things out of the window. A B C D ( )10.At present, the progress of the project seems to under control. A B C D 单选(10分, 每小题1分) -Two _____ died in the accident. - _____ terrible it is! A.policeman, How B.policeman, What C.police, What D.policeman,How -Which would you like, tea or coffee? -Either _____ OK, but I perfer coffee _____ milk.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 A.is,has B.are,with C.is,with D.are,has She was born _____ the morning of March 3rd. A.on B.in C.at D.for - _____ late for school again,Tim! -Sorry, I promise that I _____ . A.Don’t, won’t B.Don’t be, won’t C.Don’t be,don’t D.Don’t will -John _____ with a fork and a knife, but now he _____ with chopsticks after living in Beijing for several years. A.used to eat, is used to eat B.used to eating, is used to eat C.used to eat, is used to eating D.was used to eating,used to eat _____ I was a child, I wanted to be a doctor. A.When B.After C.Until D.Before James decided _____ the TV programme. A.to host B.host C.hosting D.hosted 18.Our maths teacher always teachers us _____ a lively way. A.in B.by C.on D.with If you don’t enjoy _____ , you can leave your job. A.what do you do B.what you do C.do you do what D.you do what _____ these dogs is my hobby. A.Train B.Trains C.Training D.Trained 语法选择(10分,每一题1分) You are probably know a lot about the city you live in. You may even know some intersting facts about our earth. But ____21____ do you know about Mars? Will ____22____ life there? For many years, people have studied Mars.They have sent instruments and robots to it. Some of them got there, ____23____ most failed. Mars is ____24____ planet from the sun and the next planet beyond the Earth. It is ____25____ the only planet whose surface(表面)can be seen ____26____ Earth. It is about half the size of our planet. The surface of Mars is more like Earth than ____27____ planet. However, because it is ____28____ from the sun than Earth, temperatures on Mars are ____29____ lower. Plants and animals could not live now on it. NASA sent two robots to Mars ____30____ years ago. They wanted to look for evidence of water and life from Mars. Some day, humans will travel to Mars to have an even closer look at the earth’s red neighbor. Maybe it co ... ...

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