
2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分 教材课文要点必修4Module 3 Non-verbal Communication

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:53次 大小:1102558Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件34张PPT。必修四 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication语言点用法过关 1.vary v.改变;使多样化;变化 教材原句 We see examples of unconscious body language very often, yet there is al- so “learned” body language, which varies from culture to culture.我们 经常看到无意识的身势语,但也有“习得”的身势语。它们在不同的文 化中各不相同。语境应用 单句填空 ①The prices of some vegetables vary with the weather. ②Varieties of goods are (be)now popular with the customers. ③They grow a variety (various)of crops, including wheat and barley.单句改错 ④In our country, the variety of apples are increasing at present. are→is ⑤The students should be encouraged to take part in variety of after-class activities. variety→varieties或在variety之前添加a语段填空 With the development of economy, there are ⑥ varieties (vary)of goods in ⑦ various (vary)stores at the present time ,⑧ varying (vary)from daily gro- ceries ⑨ to luxury goods, which greatly enriches people’s life.In addition, the goods vary ⑩ with the season, and it is very convenient for consumers.用法点拨 (1)vary with随……变化 vary in在……方面变化 (2)various adj.各种各样的 variety n.多样化;种类 a variety of(=varieties of)不同种类的,各种各样的【点津】 ①a variety of/varieties of(许多的)+可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用 复数形式。 ②a variety of/varieties of(许多的)+不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单 数形式。 ③the variety of(表种类)+可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 2.involve vt.包括;需要 教材原句 Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person...亚 洲人打招呼是不接触他人身体的…… 语境应用 单句填空 ①Planning a balanced diet involves (involve) trying new and different kinds of foods. ②Scientists have long wondered which parts of the brain are involved (in- volve) in musical tasks. ③Getting your students involved (involve)in classroom activities is vitally important. ④There is a new problem involved (involve)in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved.⑤We believe the time and hard work involved in completing (complete) such an important project are worthwhile写作微练 ⑥预习功课,积极参与课堂活动,课后复习老师所教的东西确实使我受 益匪浅。 It really benefited me a lot to preview lessons, get actively involved in class and review what had been taught by the teachers after class .用法点拨 (1)involve sb. in(doing)sth. 使某人参与(做)某事;使某人牵扯到某事中 involve doing sth. 包括做某事 (2)involved adj.复杂的;有牵连的;有关的 get/be involved in 被卷入……之中;热衷于;专心于 get/be involved with sb./sth. 与某人在一起/和某事有密切联系3.request n.& v.请求;要求 教材原句 Mr and Mrs Harry Blunkett request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of...哈里·布朗奇夫妇恭请您参加……的婚礼。语境应用 单句填空 ①Visitors are requested not to touch (not touch) the exhibits. ②We should consider the students’ request that the school library provide more books on popular science. ③I request that you (should) finish (finish) the task on time. ④Now I come here a ... ...

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