
牛津译林版初中英语七下Unit 1 Dream homes单元导学案(8课时,无答案))

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:47次 大小:51799Byte 来源:二一课件通
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7年级下Unit 1 Dream homes Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 班级: 姓名: 时间: 评价: 【目标定向】 〔A〕1. 会读、听得懂、会拼写、能说出词义和词性的词汇:palace, town, Canada, France, Japan, Russia, UK, London, country, capital; 词组:next to;句型:I’d like to live next to a restaurant. Is Tokyo the capital of Japan? 会读、听得懂词组:the biggest one。 (self-assessment:Good □ Not bad □ Bad □) 〔A〕2. 能认读课本中六个国家及其标志性景点的名称。 (self-assessment:Good □ Not bad □ Bad □) 〔B〕3. 能用英语介绍这些国家及其首都。 (self-assessment:Good □ Not bad □ Bad □) 【个体自学】 〔A〕1.Free talk (1) Did you have fun during the winter holiday? (2) How did you spend your holiday? (3) Where did you go? (4) Did you go to some places of interest(名胜)? (5) Do you know any countries? 〔A〕2. Look at a picture and answer.(name, country, capital) 〔A〕3. Look at some places of interest about different countries and finish P7 A. 〔A〕4. Listen to the tape about Part B and answer questions: (1) What country are they talking about? (2) What is the capital of Japan? (3) Is Mount Fuji in Tokyo? 〔A〕5. Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.. 〔A〕6. Match the countries with the capitals. Japan Washington the USA London France Paris Canada Tokyo the UK Moscow Russia Ottawa 〔B〕7. Make a new dialogue. (仿照P7 B对话 ) 〔A〕8. Look at a picture about palace and answer questions. ⑴ Do you want to live in a palace? ⑵ What kind of place do you want to live? 〔A〕9. Listen to the tape about Comic strip and answer questions. ⑴ Where would Eddie like to live? ⑵ Why would Eddie like to live next to a restaurant? Can you guess? ⑶ Which is Eddie’s favourite restaurant? 〔A〕10. Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.. 〔A〕11. Read and act out Comic strip with partner.(注意声情并茂) 【同伴互导】 两人一组,谈论各自最想居住的国家和首都,说明理由。 Play a game: 开火车。组内大循环,轮流描述各自最喜爱的国家和首都。 【教师解难】 1. 分组讨论,解析难点。 2. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 ⑴ 我想要住在一个大宫殿里。I’d like a big . ⑵ 最大的那个餐馆是我最喜欢的。The is my favourite. 【练习检测】 〔A〕一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. David comes from _____, and he speaks _____. (England) 2. The football player doesn’t come from _____, but he speaks _____. (French) 3. This is a girl from _____. Her _____ is very good. (Japan) 4. Would you like _____ (watch) films with me tonight? 5. Which is _____ (big), the sun, the moon or the earth? 〔B〕二、按要求完成句子。 1. I’d like to live in a big city. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ you like _____ _____? 2. The capital of Russia is Moscow. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ _____ of Russia? 3. Which singer do you like best? (改同义句) Who _____ your _____ _____? 【补充学习】 〔A〕1. Recite the dialogues of Comic strip and Part B 〔B〕2. Finish workbook exercises about this lesson. 〔C〕3. Preview Reading and find out the main idea. 编写 钟丽云 审核 ... ...

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