

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:88次 大小:301837Byte 来源:二一课件通
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三年级下册英语试题-期末模拟卷(一)(含听力文本及解析) 一、听力题(共5题;共13分) 1. ( 2分 ) 选出与你所听内容相符的句子(? ) A.?Can I have an apple??????????????????????????B.?Can I have some apples? 2. ( 5分 ) 将图片与对应的单词匹配。 ⑴ _____ ⑵ _____ ⑶ _____ ⑷ _____ ⑸ _____ A. fat ????????B. big????? C. short?????? D. tall????? E. thin 3. ( 2分 ) Look!This is my family. 4. ( 2分 ) 选出与所听内容相符的图片(? ) A.?????????????????????????????????????B.? 5. ( 2分 ) 选择你所听到的句子的正确答语(? ) A.?Yes,she is.??????????????????????????????????????B.?No,he isn't.21cnjy.com 二、单选题(共10题;共20分) 6. ( 2分 ) (? )它又高又瘦,英语怎么说: A.?It has tall and thin.??????????????????B.?It is short and thin.??????????????????C.?It's tall and thin. 7. ( 2分 ) Look___ the kite. It's beautiful. A.?in????????????????????????????????????????????B.?on????????????????????????????????????????????C.?at 8. ( 2分 ) —How many apples do you see? ?—I see _____. A.?thirteen???????????????????????????????????B.?fourteen???????????????????????????????????C.?sixteen 9. ( 2分 ) I ____ my family.??????? A.?Am??????????????????????????????????????????????B.?love 10. ( 2分 ) —Do you like grapes? —_____ A.?Yes,I do.?????????????????????????????????????B.?No,I don't.??21*cnjy*com 11. ( 2分 )?????you like bananas? A.?Can?????????????????????????????????????????B.?Do?????????????????????????????????????????C.?What 12. ( 2分 ) “它有一条短尾巴” 你应该说;() A.?It has a short tail.?????????B.?It's a short tail.?????????C.?This is a short tail.?????????D.?It has a long tail. 13. ( 2分 ) 选出不同项(? ) A.?where???????????????????????????????????????B.?who???????????????????????????????????????C.?under21·世纪*教育网 14. ( 2分 ) This ___ my mother . A.?are????????????????????????????????????????????B.?is????????????????????????????????????????????C.?am21教育网 15. ( 2分 ) This is my _____.He's from____.? A.?brother; the USA?????????????????????????????????B.?friend; the UK【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 三、判断题(共10题;共20分) 16. ( 2分 ) I'm cat. I'm number seventeen. 17. ( 2分 ) USA 18. ( 2分 ) I see twenty pencils. 19. ( 2分 ) The book is under the bag. 20. ( 2分 ) Have some bananas. 21. ( 2分 ) Where is my car? It's on the chair. 22. ( 2分 ) —Do you like oranges? —No,I don't.??? 23. ( 2分 ) 读一读,判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同。 run ??cut 24. ( 2分 ) Make your eyes big. 25. ( 2分 ) Hi, I'm Wu Yifan. I'm a girl. 四、填空题(共10题;共36分) 26. ( 1分 )??_____ 27. ( 5分 )看图,选择与图片对应的单词。 ① ?_____?????A. grapes ② ?_____?????????B. bananas ③ ?_____?????C. apple ④ ?_____?????D. pears ⑤ _____?????E. orange 28. ( 4分 ) 选择与图片对应的单词。⑴ _____ ⑵ _____ ⑶ ??_____ ⑷ _____ A. grandmother?? B.grandfather?? C.sister?? D.brother 29. ( 4分 ) 将下列中文释义与对应的英文单词匹配。A.我的???????? B.父亲??????? C.谁??????? D.朋友???? ⑴father? _____????? ⑵friend? _____???? ⑶my? _____?????? ⑷who? _____ 30. ( 1分 ) I'm from _____(China/ Canada). 31. ( 6 ... ...

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