
Unit 4 When is Easter? PB Read and write 课件+教案+习题+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:31次 大小:8114279Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    喂养 幼猫喂养小常识 喂养幼猫的注意点:少食多餐,喂食要 注意定时与定量。一般2个月左右的猫一天要吃5、6次以上。小猫三个月以前一般每日喂食四次,如早9点,中午12点,晚6点及10点。三至六月大时,每日喂三次。六个月大以后每日两次。给小猫吃的奶水不够或没奶时,可饮用专门的宠物奶粉,大一点的时候可在奶粉中加一些米粉。如果直接食用牛奶的话,可能引起拉稀,因为小猫不能很好地消化牛奶。 小猫在三、四个月的时候饭量逐渐增加,到八个月以上就保持稳定了。 定时指的是每天在固定的时间喂食,养成良好的吃 饭习惯。定量指的是饭量不要忽多忽少,随着猫咪年龄的增加,在某一段时间里(一般三、四个月的时候)小猫的饭量逐渐增加,到八个月以上就保持稳定了。21世纪教育网版权所有 成猫喂养小常识 1. 猫在12个月龄以上就进入成 猫阶段,成猫的身体和消化系统已基本发育成熟,能较好的消化和吸收营养素。成猫在营养上需要全价而均衡的营养,维持猫的最佳健康状态同时防止衰老。21教育网 2. 当猫达到7岁以上时,它们 就会出现许多健康问题,特别是新陈代谢方面,比如肾脏和眼睛。要解决这类问题,重要的是喂给它们低脂肪低能量的食物,帮它们维持正常体重。此外,还应保证食物中纤维素的含量来保证肠胃的健康,减少镁和磷的含量维持泌尿系统和肾脏的健康。另外,应尽量为它们易于消化的食物。21cnjy.com 3. 定时称一下猫的体重,以保证猫的体重在正 常的范围之内,并根据兽医和营养师的建议进行喂养。定时评估一下猫的身体状况,并根据身体状况来调整食物的喂食量。轻轻的挠猫下巴,是会增加猫对你的好感度。21·cn·jy·com(课件网) Unit 4 When is Easter 人教版(PEP) 五年级下 PB Read and write 一,二,三,特殊记; 八去t,九去e, ve 要用f 替,还有y要变 ie, th最后加上去; 如果遇上几十几,改变个位就可以! “基数词”变“序数词”歌谣 Let’s chant 基数词 序数词 简写形式 one 1st two 2nd three 3rd four 4th five 5th first second third fourth fifth Let’s read 基数词 序数词 简写形式 six 6th seven 7th eight 8th nine 9th ten 10th sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth Let’s read 基数词 序数词 简写形式 twelve 12th twenty 20th thirty 30th twenty-three 23rd twenty-one 21st twelfth twentieth thirtieth twenty-third twenty-first Let’s read When is April Fool’s Day It’s on April _____. 1st Look, ask and answer When is the sports meet It’s on April _____. 4th Look, ask and answer When is Easter this year It’s on April _____ this year. 5th Look, ask and answer When is your birthday My birthday is on August _____. 21st Look, ask and answer When is your birthday My birthday is on April _____. 2nd Look, ask and answer When is your birthday My birthday is on April _____. 3rd Look, ask and answer When is Grandpa’s birthday It’s on October _____. 12th Look, ask and answer When is Grandma’s birthday It’s on April _____. 20th Look, ask and answer When is Dad’s birthday It’s on November _____. 30th Look, ask and answer When is Mum’s birthday It’s on February _____. 23rd Look, ask and answer Let’s play _ _ _ c a t What’s this It’s a _____. cat It’s Sarah’s cat. Let’s play Sarah’s cat has two new kittens. kittens 同义词 baby cats They are _____. pink What colour are they Look and describe They still can’t _____. see Look at ... ...

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