
Unit 5 Do you like pears? 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:19次 大小:19038208Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版三年级英语下册 fruit水果 Which(哪一种) fruit do you like /u:/ fruit, fruit, some fruit, Let's buy some fruit. Old Macdonald had a farm.(农场) Old Macdonald’s fruit shop (商店) Welcome to my fruit shop ! 猜谜语: 1.黄包袱,包黑豆, 尝一口,甜水流。 (猜一种水果) pear 梨子 pear 梨子 bear pear 2.有红有绿又有黄, 身子圆圆好模样, 有甜有酸有营养, 常吃身体保健康。 (猜一种水果) apple 苹果 3. 黄橙橙的坛子, 盛满水晶饺子, 吃掉水晶饺子, 吐出粒粒珠子。 (猜一种水果) orange 橙子 4.样子弯弯, 颜色金黄, 吃到嘴里, 又面又甜。 (猜一种水果) banana 香蕉 apple apples an Do you like It's a ___ apple. Let's know some fruit. orange oranges an Do you like Let's know some fruit. banana bananas a Do you like Let's know some fruit. pear Look at the _____, it is (It’s) _____. green yellow Do you like … s Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. do not | | --No , I don’t . --Yes , I do . --Do you like… (你喜欢…吗 ) 是的,我喜欢。 不,我不喜欢。 I like pears. I like pears. The pear is green. The pear is yellow. banana yummy 好吃的 tummy肚子 s Do you like … Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yummy, yummy. In my tummy. I like bananas. Do you like bananas Yes, I do. Do you like pears Yes, I do. Do you like apples Yes, I do. Yummy. apple orange apples oranges pear pears banana bananas grape grapes What’s missing apple orange grape juice fruit Which is the 1. A. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C. 3. 2. bowl a fruit bowl Do you like … Yes, I do. / No, don’t. A fruit bowl I eat_____. A fruit bowl in my tummy _____in my tummy Group work 小组合作编一首新歌谣,比比看哪个组更快更有新意! Let’s chant. Grape, grape, a grape. Grape, grape, some grapes. I like purple grapes. Do you like purple grapes Yes, I do. …/ No,I don’t. Yummy, yummy, yummy! …, …, … Let’s make a new chant. … … … …, …, … …, …, … grapes Grapes Grapes Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Grapes Grapes In my tummy! Design(设计) your fruit shop. Group work Tips:1. 能详细介绍一种水果。Good!( ) 2.能详细介绍2-3种水果。Great! ( ) 3.能详细介绍4-5种水果。Wonderful! ( ) Welcome to my fruit shop! This is an apple. It’s red. It’s big and round. It’s yummy. Do you like apples … Welcome to my fruit shop! This is.../Look at.. It’s… It’s … … Do you like …s … Introduce(介绍) your fruit shop. 一天一苹果,医生远离我 小 结 What have you learned today 今天你学会了什么? Let’s chant. Do you like … Yes, I do. / No, don’t. make a survey. Miss White想知道每位同学喜欢的水果是什么,你能帮助调查一下吗 Do you like…? Name A: Do you like ____ B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like ____ B: No, I don’t. make a survey. 1.用今天学过的句型和单词,问一问你的爸爸妈妈是否喜欢某种水果,并教教他们怎么回答。 2.抄写今天学过的4个水果单词,每个2行,并抄写中文,注意书写格式哦。 Eat some fruit everyday. 每天吃点水果。 ... ...

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