
Unit 7 International charities.第二课时 Reading I (课件+教案+习题)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:8313681Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit Seven International charities 牛津译林版 八年级下册 Reading I UNICEF Oxfam World Wide Fund for Nature What do these logos stand for ORBIS What about their purposes Revision 1. _____ protects the wildlife, nature and environment. World Wide Fund for Nature 2. _____works to provide children with food, house, medicine and education. UNICEF 3. _____ helps poor families and children. 4. _____ works to help people who are unable to see. Oxfam ORBIS Free talk 1.What does the logo look like It looks like an eye. 2.Why does this charity use an eye as its logo 3.Why is there a plane in the logo Because ORBIS helps people with eye problems. Because ORBIS doctors and nurses take a plane to visit poor areas. ORBIS uses its Flying Eye Hospital to visit poor areas. Lead in Do you know something about ORBIS blindness About 285 million people have eye problems around the world . patient Many of our patients can't afford to go to hospital. operate On the plane, volunteer doctors do operations. on board Local doctors and nurses are invited on board to learn about eye operations. Listen to an interview carefully and answer the questions: Presentation Dr Ma--an ORBIS doctor an interviewer What is needed to carry on with their work Money. Interviewer: Dr Ma, please tell us something about blindness. Dr Ma: About 285 million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, mostly in poor areas, and about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured. However, many people don't have money for medical treatment. Read the interveiw and finish the exercises: Something about blindness 1. About _____ million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, _____ in _____ countries. 285 mostly poor 2._____of these cases can be_____. 3. Many people do not have the money for _____. 80 per cent cured or prevented medical treatment Fill in the blanks: (Part 1) Interviewer: How does ORBIS help Dr Ma: ORBIS uses its Flying Eye Hospital to visit poor areas. On the plane, volunteer doctors do operations. The plane is also used as a training centre. Interviewer: Why don't you work in a hospital Dr Ma: Many of our patients can't afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them. Also, local doctors and nurses are invited on board to learn about eye operations. We can teach them new skills. By training them, we hope to help more people. Answer the questions: (Part 2) 1. Why don’t they work in a hospital Because many of the patients can’t afford to go to hospital. 2. What can local doctors and nurse do on the plane They hope to help more people by training local doctors and nurses. They can learn about eye operations and new skills. 3. What do they hope to help more people by Interviewer: How many operations do you do during a visit Dr Ma: During my last visit, 150 patients were operated on. Interviewer: You're doing a really important job. Dr Ma: Thank you. I'm proud to help people ... ...

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