
Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 1 When is your birthday? Section C 课件+音视频+教案+练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:44次 大小:8716067Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 7 The Birthday Party 仁爱版 七年级下 Topic 1 When is your birthday Section C Warming up -What’s the date -It’s … 2月15日 Tuesday 2013年9月 1 2008年8月 8 12月3日 Wednesday 5月31日 Saturday Warming-up -What day is it today -It’s … A: What shape is it B: It’s a/an … square triangle circle rectangle oval star Lead in 形状 Lead in present ball afraid mouse centimeter mice 复数 Presentation What’s the shape of… It’s … It’s rectangle. It’s square. It’s oval. It’s circle. It’s star. It’s triangle. What color is it It’s black and white. It’s red. Lead in It’s blue. It’s green. It’s yellow. It’s orange. It’s black. It’s pink. What is it like It is like a dog. What is it like It is like a bird. Was it like a bird before No, it wasn't. It was like a dog. Presentation 像… 以前 2a. Look at the following pictures and think about them. What is it like It is like a dog. What is it like It is like a hill. Was it like a hill before No, it wasn't. It was like a dog. Presentation What is it like It is like a flower. What is it like It is like a star. Was it like a star before No, it wasn't. It was like a flower. Presentation What is it like It is like … Was it like …before No, it wasn’t. It was like… Discussion 注意区别 a square a circle A: What shape is it now B: It's a circle. A: What shape was it before B: It was a square. Example: 2b.Ask and answer after the example. Practice circle triangle rectangle oval 2b.Follow the example and do it in pairs. Practice It’s round. It’s black and white. Yes, it is. What’s the shape of Maria’s present What color is it Is it a soccer ball Listen to 1a and try to answer these questions. Practice Prestentation Look at the picture and guess what is the present for Kangkang’s birthday. Michael: What’s your present for Kangkang’s birthday Maria: Guess! Michael: Is it a model plane Maria: No. Guess again. Michael: Mm, what’s the shape of your present Maria: It’s round. Michael: What color is it Maria: It’s black and white. Michael: Oh! I get it. It’s a soccer ball. Maria: Yes! You are right. Michael: May I have a look Maria: Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t. 1a . Read and understand. Present Shape Color a soccer ball round black and white 1b. Read 1a and complete the table. Then make up a new conversation. Practice Practice 根据Section C中1a的课文完成下面的短文 Maria and Michael talk about the _____for Kangkang’s birthday. Michael _____it’s a model plane, but Maria says no. Michael asks what _____it is, Maria answers it’s _____and it’s black and white. Michael answers it’s a soccer ball. But Michael _____have a look ___it. present guesses shape round can’t at pencil-box 24cm×6.4cm MP4 9cm×6cm computer 35cm×27cm A:What shape is it B:It's... What's the shape of ... A:How long/wide is it B:It's...centimeters long/wide. A:What do we use it for B:We use it to... 3. Ask and answer questions with the following structures. Prac ... ...

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