
【精品系列】新外研英语八年级上册Module 3--Module 4标准化模块检测卷(含听力及答题卡)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:67次 大小:13111840Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 新外研版八年级上册英语系列精品卷 ( Module 3--Module 4) 英 语 (考试时间:120 分钟,卷面满分120分) 注意事项: 1. 请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题卡区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 2. 在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。 第I 卷(选择题, 共80分) 一.听力测试(本大题共30小题。每小题1分,共30分) 第一节 听音辨图 听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。 A B C D 1._____ 2_____ 3_____ 4_____ 第二节 情景反应 听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。 ( ) 5. A. It’s skiing. B. It’s running. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 6. A. Every day. B. Running. C. At 7:00. ( ) 7. A. You’re welcome. B. You’re right. C. You’re so kind. ( ) 8. A. Where B. Thank you! C. Me too. ( ) 9. A. Very tired. B. By bus. C. Five minutes. ( ) 10. A. Exciting . B. Swimming. C. Boring. 第三节 对话理解 (一)听五组短对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。 ( ) 11. Who did the man buy the mobile phone for A. His son. B. His wife. C. His daughter ( ) 12. What happened to Mike A. He wasn’t feeling well. B. He is getting up. C. At home. ( ) 13 . What is Tony doing A. He is reading. B. He is sleeping. C. He is playing. ( ) 14. Why doesn’t Bruce like football A. It’s less dangerous. B. It’s more dangerous. C. It’s the most dangerous. ( ) 15. How much will the man pay for the volleyballs?21cnjy.com A. 50 yuan. B. 30 yuan. C. 15 yuan. (二)听三段长对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段长对话,回答第16至18小题。 ( ) 16. What is the weather like today A. Cloudy. B. Windy. C. Sunny. ( ) 17. What is the different between Jack and Sam?21世纪教育网版权所有 A. Jack is a bit heavier than Sam.. B. Jack is a bit taller than Sam. C. Sam is more careful than Jack. . ( ) 18. What sport do the twin brother like A. Playing basketball. B. Playing volleyball. C. Playing baseball. 听第二段长对话,回答第19至21小题。 ( ) 19.What are they doing this weekend A. Going hiking B. Nothing much C. doing some shopping ( ) 20.When will they meet A. 7:00. B. 7:30. C. 8:00. ( ) 21.What are they taking A. Only water. B. Nothing. C. Food and water. 听第三段长对话,回答第22至25小题。 ( ) 22. Where did the woman reach A. Beijing. B. Sydney. C. London. ( ) 23. Who’s the man A. An old friend. B. A tour guide. C. The woman’s friend. ( ) 24. how long will the woman stay there A. Three days. B. A week. C. Five days. ( ) 25. Which hotel will the woman stay in A. In a big hotel. B. In an expensive hotel. C. In a small hotel. 第四节 语篇理解 听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读三遍。 ( ) 26. Jim’s school work was _____. A. poor B. good C. excellent ( ) 27. Jim usually hurried to school in the morning because he often _____ at night. A. studied his lessons late B. had a good sleep C. watched cartoons or sports games for a long time【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 ( ) 28. Jim’s mother tried to make him _____. 【版权所有:21教育】 A. work harder B. watch cartoons C. sleep in class ( ) 29. Jim got a hundred scores _____. A. in reading B. in spelling C. neither in rea ... ...

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