
安徽省示范高中培优联盟2017-2018学年高一下学期春季联赛英语含听力 (pdf版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:66次 大小:14979802Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    安徽省示范高中培优联盟2018年春季联赛 高一英语参考答案 一、听力:1-5 CCABA 6-10 BBCAC 11-15 ACACA 16-20 CBCBC21世纪教育网 二、阅读理解:21-23 BDA 24-27 DABC 28-31 CCBD 32-35 ACCD21cnjy.com 36-40:CEAGB 三、完形填空: 41-45 CBBAD 46-50 ACBCD 51-55 BACBD 56-60 DACDB21·cn·jy·com 四、语法填空: 61. located 62. mountains 63. was declared 64. with 65. frequently 66. conclusion 67. that 68. pleasant 69. which 70. an 五、短文改错: 71. attend后删去to 72. Watch改为Watching 73. exciting改为excited 21*cnjy*com 74. sight改为sights 75.contained改为contains 76. Therefore 改为 Besides 21-cnjy*com 77. with改为in 78. end前加an 79. after改为before 80. can改为could 六、书面表达: Dear Bob, How are you getting on recently? I am writing in the hope that you can give me some advice on English learning.21教育网 Only after the mid-term exam did I find so many problems that I had ignored. First, my efficiency is extremely low and I can’t remember what I have reviewed. Besides, it is hard for me to recite the words and expressions. Moreover, grammar is too complicated to understand. I am so anxious that I don’t know what to do next. Therefore, your advice is urgently needed. Can you give me some advice on how to prepare for exams in senior high school? What methods can I take to prepare for the coming examinations? I’ m eager for your timely help. Yours, Li Hua 听力录音原文 Text 1 M: We already have a sofa. I think it’s a good one.2-1-c-n-j-y W: I don’t like it. It’s brown, but the curtain are green and the floor is light blue. They don’t match well. Text 2 W: The announcement says the first-class passengers in areas 1 and 2 can get on the plane now. That’s us. We’re in area 1. M: No. This is gate 1. Here’s our area number 3. Text 3 W: Who do you think is the greatest British writer?【21cnj*y.co*m】 M: Jane Austen. W: Hmm. She’s good, but I like D. H. Lawrence and Charles Dickens more.【21教育名师】 Text 4 M: I need to take some medicine. I think I got a cold.【21教育】 W: Well, you might want to drink some water first. I haven’t seen you have anything to drink all day, even while we were having lunch. Text 5 M: Miss Green, Tom can’t come to work this afternoon. He was injured in an accident and he’s in hospital now. W: Oh, poor Tom. Let’s go and see him when our work is done. Text 6 M: What did you do last night? Did you work all night? W: I did some work, but I watched a bit of TV, too. M: I watched a great football game on TV last night. Did you watch it? W: No, I didn’t. I don’t like football. M: Then what did you see? W: I saw the end of a film. It was quite good, actually. It’s a pity I missed the beginning. But I know the story was written by Shakespeare. It was about a boy and a girl who fell in love with each other, but their families were fighting against each other. M: You mean Romeo and Juliet? W: Yes, that’s right. Text 7 W: I’d like to buy some meat. M: What kind would you like today? W: I’d like a pound of roast beef. That’s my son’ ... ...

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