
Module 3 Journey to space课本知识点

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:21次 大小:123841Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 Journey to space Unit1 1What are you up to?(非正式场合)=what are you doing? 2 Spaceship宇宙飞船 I’ve just made this model of the spaceship.我一直在做宇宙飞船的模型。21cnjy.com For:为了。。。 Is this for your space travel homework?这是为了你的太空旅行作业么? 4 I haven’t started it yet. 我仍未开始做。Yet常用于现在完成时的否定句结尾。 I’m not sure how to make it. Be sure to do/that 从句21·cn·jy·com I’m sure to arrive here at 3 o’clock. I’m sure that we will win the match. 6.Have you heard the latest news?最新消息 latest 最近的,最新的 hear heard heard 7 send sb sth=send sth to sb 给/ 发送某物给。。 发射太空飞船到火星 例句:Some scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars.一些科学家已经向火星发射了一个太空飞船。 8.That’s why it’s on the news.(表语从句) 这就是为什么它会出现在新闻上的原因。 On the news :在新闻中播报 9. Have the astronauts discovered life on Mars?宇航员发现火星上有生命了么? Discover 偶然发现,invent 发明, find 找到,发现了 life生命(不可数),性命(可数)课本例句:They have found life on the moon. because Mar is very far way. Far away:远离 far away from:远离。。。 How can I get information on space travel? On:关于 相当于about Search for information:搜寻信息 search for sth:寻找 search sth for sth:在...上寻找... Unit 2 there has been:在...已经有 there be 的现在完成时 There has been human in the world for millions of years.21·世纪*教育网 Hundreds of millions of:上百万的 Three hundred workers hundreds of workers any other planets:其他的行星 any other +单数名词/复数名词 He is taller than any other student in our class. go around 环绕 It goes around the Sun. 它围绕着太阳转。 None of them has an environment like that of the earth.2-1-c-n-j-y None of +复数名词 做主语时谓语动词用单数形式。 that:指代不可数名词 The weather in shanghai is warmer than that of Beijing.21*cnjy*com 6.be called 被叫做 例如:The sun and its planet are called the solar system. 太阳和行星被叫做太阳系。【21cnj*y.co*m】 7. a part of 。。。的一部分 例如:The solar system is a small part of our galaxy. 太阳系是星系中的一部分。A small/big/important part of【21教育】 8.their light has to travel for many years. Light:光线,电灯21*教*育*名*师 e.g.the light of the sun, a lamp, the fire, etc阳光、灯光、火光21世纪教育网 This light is too poor to read by.这光线太暗不能看书。 A light was still burning in his study.他的书房里仍有孤灯独燃。2·1·c·n·j·y 注意:light除了可以表示“光线;电灯”讲,还可以表示“淡的;浅的;轻的”;作动词可以表示“点燃”21-cnjy*com Has to/have to:助动词 必须,不得不 否定:don’t have to Must:必须,不得不 否定:mustn’t 9.alone 和lonely的区别 I am along but I didn’t feel lonely. 我独自一人但我并不觉得孤单。 Any one out there?有人在外面么? 11.communicate with :与... 交流 communicate with sb Unit3 2.have been to去过(人回来了) have gone to去了(人没回)例句:They’ve gone to Shanghai on business.他们去南宁出差去了。 have been in/at 停留在某地 例如:I have been in Nanning for 10 years.我在南宁待了10年了 3. on business ... ...

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