
新目标(Go for it)版七年级下Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?写作课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:3297482Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件14张PPT。Is there a post office near here?Writing ClassBy Kitty restaurantpay phone parkThis is a map of my neighborhood. New street Bridge streetLibrarybank post office supermarket hotel hospitalsports center zoomuseum Long StreetCenter Streetfire station my house1. Where is the supermarket? 2. Is there a fire station in my neighborhood? Where is it? 3. I’d like to eat something. Where is the restaurant? 4. I like old things in history. Is there a museum near here? 5. I need to call my parents. Where is the pay phone? 6.I enjoy clean air. Where is the park? Is there a post office near here?postcard restaurantPay phone parkGo to the post office. New street Bridge streetLibraryBank Post office supermarket Hotel Is there a library around here? restaurantPay phone parkGo to the library. New street Bridge streetLibraryBank Post office supermarket Hotel breathe fresh airenjoy warm sunshinewatch trees and flowerstake a walkrundo KungfuIs there a park around here? restaurantPay phone parkGo to the park. New street Bridge streetLibraryBank Post office supermarket Hotel Hotels around the WorldMy favorite placenameplaceReasonfeelingsthingswayHow to describe your favorite place? This is a great neighborhood. I live in this neighborhood. My house is across from a library on Bridge Street. I usually go shopping at a supermarket near my house. It is between a hospital and the post office. On weekends, I like to play in the park. It’s my favorite place in the neighborhood. I can breathe fresh air, enjoy warm sunshine, watch flowers and trees. I enjoy exercising there. It’s relaxing and fun. To get there, I go along Bridge Street and turn left on Long Street. It is on the right. How about you?My Favorite Place

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