
Module 6 Unit 12 Put it on the desk 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:38次 大小:3695179Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    ==================资料简介====================== _Module 6 Unit 12 Put it on the desk 课件:30张PPT Unit 12 Put it on the desk. Let’s chant ! Little boy, little boy. Do you have a toy Yes, I have a dog. It’s in my box. And I have a cat. It’s in my bag. Put it on the desk. put It’s a desk. ================================================ 压缩包内容: _bed.swf _box.swf _chair.swf _desk.swf _I love my room.swf _in.swf _Module 6 Unit 12 Put it on the desk 课件.ppt _on.swf _put.swf _room.swf _table.swf

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