

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:17次 大小:1612533Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2018年江西省中考英语试题猜想卷 一、完形填空 A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 A Sometimes, a good luck is someone who appears in your memory, even for a short time. As a student of Royal Medical College, I remember a very special doctor named Dr. Richard. When I was eight years old, I was with a serious heart 1 and I needed an operation. My mom did not have the 2 for it, and 3 it I might not live to be thirteen years old. After contacting several charities, Dr. Richard got financial (金融的) help for me through United Way, a Crippled Children’s Organization. What impressed me most was Dr. Richard’s 4 and care(关怀). When I was in hospital for an exam before the operation, I was crying hysterically(歇斯底里地).The medical workers tried to 5 me but all failed, and then Dr. Richard came, looking at me quietly, with a smile. I 6 slowly. How unbelievable! 7 , the time came for me to have the operation. There was a fifty-percent 8 that I would not see the beautiful sunshine. And at that time I was only the second or third person to have it. I was really 9 , and again Dr. Richard came to me. He said nothing about the operation but I knew that 10 would be all right when I saw his smiling eyes. I1 , the operation was painful but very successful. Looking tired but happy, Dr. Richard came and 12 me a small toy. For me, a scared little girl who felt all alone, it meant more than a(n) 13 , I gave him a hug, with a big brave smile as well. This was twelve years ago I left Dr. Richard. But wherever you are, Dr. Richard, I want to thank you for not only 14 my life, but also helping me live a normal life and I decide to be a 15 like you in the future. ( )1. A .problem B. question C. matter D. event ( )2. A condition B. situation C.money D. time ( )3. A. beyond B.without C through D. beside ( )4.A fairness B. cleverness C. honesty D kindness ( )5. A. prevent B.comfort C. protect D.move ( )6. A. gave up B. calmed down C. cheered up D. came down ( )7. A. Later B. Now C. Instead D. However ( )8. A. hope B.choice C. chance D. effect ( )9. A. satisfied B.afraid C. pleased D.moved ( )10. A. nothing B.something C. none D.everything ( )11. A. Luckily B.Specially C. Sadly D .Hardly ( )12. A. lent B.carried C.brought D. held ( )13. A. regret B.award C.support D. gift ( )14. A.giving B.saving C.sending D.passing ( )15. A student B. doctor C. patient D.teacher B In the corner of my desk is a note, slowly yellowing over time. It is a card from my mother, containing only four sentences, but with enough impacts (影响) to 16 my life forever. In it, she praises my abilities as a writer. Each sentence is full of 17. The word "but" never appears on the card, 18. the word"and" is there many times. Every time I read it, I am 19 to ask myself how many times I’ve "but-ted" my own daughters, Although my eldest daughter 20 got all "A"on her report card, teachers would always suggest that she 21 too much in class. I al ... ...

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