

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:26次 大小:459629Byte 来源:二一课件通
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昌平区 2017 - 2018 学年第二学期初三年级第二次模拟练习 英语试卷2018. 5 知识运用(共 14 分) 一、 单项填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分) 从下面各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. This girl is creative. _____ often makes great things.   A. I   B. You   C. He   D. She 2. Jack rides his bike _____ the park every weekend.   A. in   B. on   C. at   D. of 3. We’re doing our best this year, _____ we’ll keep on trying.   A. but   B. and   C. because   D. or 4. Table tennis is _____ than football in our school.   A. popular   B. very popular   C. more popular   D. the most popular 5. -_____ did you get your new watch? -On my thirteenth birthday.   A. Where   B. What   C. When   D. Why 6. Larry always _____ up early on weekdays so he is never late for school.   A. gets   B. get   C. got   D. is getting 7. My dad _____ letters to his friends years ago, but I use emails or Wechat now.   A. writes   B. wrote   C. has written   D. is writing 8. I _____ John the news as soon as he gets home.   A. will tell   B. told   C. tells   D. tell 9. Tim and Bob _____ us a lot of beautiful photos since they arrived in London.   A. send   B. sent   C. have sent   D. are sending 10. Ken _____ with me on the phone at 8:00 pm yesterday evening.   A. is talking   B. was talking   C. has talked   D. is talked 11. Harry Potter _____ with its final book in 2007.   A. complete   B. completed   C. is completed   D. was completed 12. -I don’t know _____ at the science camp next week. -Don’t worry. Let me check my notebook for you.   A. what did we do   B. what will we do   C. what we did   D. what we will do 二、 完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 People Just Like Us I was not interested in the school project on ancient cultures at all, especially things about Egypt (埃 及) , but Grace, my research partner, insisted the ancient Egyptians were interesting, and said I would 13 my mind for sure. “Learning about these ancient people is so boring.” I said. “It’s not! Don’t be sure until you’ve learned about them.” said Grace. I had to say Grace had a 14 . So the next Saturday, I found myself at the Museum of Natural History, which had a big show on ancient Egypt. “So ancient Egyptians were pretty undeveloped, right?” I asked Grace as we waited in line for our tickets. “I mean, they didn’t have much 15 , did they? Well, except for the pyramids (金字塔) – didn’t the Egyptian kings live in the pyramids?” Grace just kept silent and pushed me forward. The show set me straight about the pyramids. I learned that they were tombs (墓) of the ancient kings, not their 16 . I also found out the great pyramid at Giza was huge, standing 500 feet tall when it was first built! As I walked farther, I was 17 to find a show on ancient sports. I saw paintings showing people playing a game with a ball. Just for a moment, ... ...

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