
牛津深圳版初中英语九下 Module 3 Sport and health Unit 6 Caring for your health学案(无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:39次 大小:55876Byte 来源:二一课件通
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T. Name Lina S. Name Edition Oxford_ Edition Subject English Grade Nine Date Unit 沪教牛津深圳版初三下册Unit 6 Caring for your health Performance Parts Point Num. Gained Rate Compared W.&P. G.P. E.S. Total Process PartⅠ:Words & Phrases 1.Words Key words Synonym Expansion conduct v.实施,执行 perform,carry out null pressure n.压力 stress press v.按,压 whether conj.是否 if? doubt whether/if; wonder whether/if risk n.风险 Chance that sth bad might happen null guard v.守卫,保卫 protect? guard against防卫 positive adj.积极的 look on the bright side of positively adv.积极地 cancel v.取消 Not going to take place,put off null bright adj.有希望的? full of hope, hopeful, promising look on the bright side of =positive积极的 force v.强迫,迫使(某人做某事) to make somebody do something they don’t want to do force sb. to do强迫某人做 private adj.私人的 personal in private 私下地 silent adj.不说话的,沉默的 keep one’s tongue, quiet, not making a sound silence n.沉默? silently adv.沉默地 in silence=silently沉默地=?without saying anything???=quietly regular adj.有规律的 null regularly adv.定期地=on a regular basis cheer v.鼓励,鼓舞 make...happy Cheerful adj.高兴的=happy=pleased; Cheer up=make...happy=raise one’s spirits使...高兴 dentist n.牙科医生 someone whose job is taking care of people’s teeth null low adj.沮丧的,消沉的, blue,depressed,unhappy feel low=be unhappy=feel blue感到沮丧 recovery n.恢复 be healthy again recover v.恢复 Exercise The students will conduct an experiment in the laboratory tomorrow. ?? A.?carry out??????????????????????????????????B.?make up??????????????????????????????????C.?think of ?????????means pressure that is caused by the problems of daily life. A.?Intelligence????????????????????????????????B.?Stress????????????????????????????????C.?Instruction The teenagers have to work hard because of the _____ (press) from their parents. I wonder whether my son likes the coat I bought for him. A.?that??????????????????????????????????????????B.?what??????????????????????????????????????????C.?if I wonder _____ you would like to come to my birthday party. A.?that?????????????????????????????????B.?whether?????????????????????????????????C.?what????????????????????D.?where You should be careful when you drive, or there' ll be a risk of accident. A.chance that something bad might happen B.chance that something good might happen C.chance that something interesting might happen To _____ somebody or something means to protect somebody or something from attack or danger. A.?admit??????????????????????B.?guard???????????????????????????????????????C.?leave When you play sport, you need to guard _____ accidents. A.?over????????????????????B.?against???????????????????????C.?with???????????????D.?at Don't be worried. You should always look on the bright side of things. A.?be patient?????????????????????????????B.?be interested?????????????????????????????C.?be positive The airline had to cancel this flight because of the bad weather.? A.?be ... ...

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