
Unit 3 Look at that elephant 第一课时课件+素材

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:34次 大小:11177919Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Look at this elephant Lesson1 Review. >>Warm-up cat dog duck horse cow hen >>Lead-in Let’s count. >>Presentation Let’s learn. It’s big. >>Presentation Let’s learn. It’s funny. >>Presentation Let’s learn. It’s strong. >>Presentation Let’s learn. It’s small. >>Presentation Let’s learn. a strong tiger a beautiful bird a big elephant a small mouse a funny monkey >>Presentation Let’s Listen and Say. Look at this elephant. It’s big. Look at that monkey. It’s funny. >>Presentation Let’s Listen and Say. Look at the tiger. It’s strong. Look at this bird. It’s beautiful. >>Practice Let’s chant. Tiger, tiger, look at the tiger. Strong, strong, it’s strong. Monkey, monkey, look at the monkey. Funny, funny, it’s funny. Elephant, elephant, look at the elephant. Big, big, it’s big. Bird, bird, look at the bird. Beautiful, beautiful, it’s beautiful. Magic guessing >>Practice Let’s play. >>Summary 描述动物特征: --Look at this elephant. It’s big. --a strong tiger --a beautiful bird --a funny monkey --a small mouse >>Homework 1. 观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2. 演一演:在爸爸妈妈面前表演对话,请他们给予评价。 3. 画出你所喜欢的动物,并用英语进行介绍,下节课带到课堂展示。

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