

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:16次 大小:5227789Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 名校调研系列卷·八年级第三次月考测试 英语(人教版) 1、听力 (共20分) I 情景反应 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分) ( ) 1. A It’s about 5 kilometers deep . B. It’s about 5 kilometers long C. It’s about 5 meters wide ( ) 2. A. It is the deepest salt lake in the world 21*教*育*名*师 B. It is the longest river in the world . C. It is the biggest desert in the world ( ) 3. A. Yes, they were B. Yes, they are C. Yes, they do ( ) 4. A. Sell bread B. Eat food C. Some stones ( ) 5. A. I’m sorry . B. Me, too C. It’s OK. II. 对话问答 根据你所到的对话及问 ,选择正确答案。(5分) ( ) 1. A. It’s boring B. It’s beautiful C. It’s interesting ( ) 2. A. Pieces of bread B. Pieces of wood C. Pieces of paper ( ) 3. A. No, it isn’t B. Yes , it is C. Yes, he is . ( ) 4. A. Around 15 cm long B. Around 14 cm long C. Around 13 cm long ( ) 5. A. English homework B. Chinese homework C Math homework III. 图片理解 看图听描述, 选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。 (下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)(5分)解 看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关) (5分) 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ IV 短文理解 根据你听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分) ( ) 1. What did the farmer like A Food B. Clothes C. Money ( ) 2. What did the farmer keep and never used 21*cnjy*com A Horses B. Money C. Chickens ( ) 3. Where did the farmer put the box A In his house B. In the ground C. In his bedroom . ( ) 4. How often did the farmer look at money A . Every day B. Twice a week C. Three times a day ( ) 5. Why did the man ask the farmer to put a stone in the ground instead 21cnjy.com A. Because he never used it B. Because he never gave it to others 2、Because he never had it . 3、基础知识(共15分) V.句意填词 在空白处填入一个适当的词,使句意完整。 (5分) 1. We received a letter from him r_____ . 2. She h_____ her diary in a place where nobody could find it yesterday . 3. The man was b_____ to jump into the river to save the child . 4. We must p_____ these animals because they are endangered 5. He can’t even move because of his i_____ . VI. 单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中, 选出一个正确答案。(10分) ( ) 1. I think you should take _____ rest . A a B. an C. the ( ) 2. I can borrow books _____ the library in high school A to B for C. from ( ) 3. She allowed the children to do _____ they liked . A whenever B. whatever C. wherever ( ) 4. --Sorry , I forgot your name . Can you _____ me --I’m Daniel . A remind B. receive C. remember ( ) 5. --It is _____ of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars --Well , I don’t think so . We were once young and had the similar experience . A creative B. silly C. awake ( ) 6. Tim has such a good _____ that he won many prizes in singing competitions last year . A sleep B. idea C. voice ( ) 7. --Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world . --That is , it is larger than _____ country in Asia . A any B. any other C. other ( ) 8. ... ...

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