

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:83次 大小:7506312Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件122张PPT。选 修 7Unit 19 Language 学校生活之(二) ———语言学习高考话题对接Contents单元检测?高考提能1234一积词汇见多识广二积短语顿挫抑扬 三积句式写作扮靓四背语段语感流畅 第一板块 重点词汇突破第二板块 短语、句式突破课堂双线提能课堂一刻钟演练,实现教材与高考的对接 一、话题与语篇第1段划波浪线部分 in order to stay she's had to prove her language skills by taking a test which requires her to write a postcard to an imaginary friend and answer a fictional job ad.第2段划波浪线部分Italy is the latest Western European country trying to control a growing immigrant (移民) population 第3~4段划波浪线部分[3]Some immigrant advocates worry [4]Other European countries laid down a similar requirement for immigrants, 第5段划波 浪线部分[5]Italy, which has a much weaker tradition of immigration, has witnessed a sharp increase in immigration in recent years. 第6段划波浪线部分She was skeptical that the language requirement would encourage integration.第7段划波浪线部分Italians always “see me as a foreigner,” an outsider, 29.Some people worry that the new language requirement may. A.reduce Italy's population quickly B.cause conflicts among people C.lead to financial difficulties D.put pressure on schools二、话题与写作Thank You !课件112张PPT。选 修 7Unit 20 New Frontiers 科普知识与现代技术之(二) ———前沿科技高考话题对接Contents单元检测?高考提能1234一积词汇见多识广二积短语顿挫抑扬 三积句式写作扮靓四背语段语感流畅 第一板块 重点词汇突破第二板块 短语、句式突破课堂双线提能课堂一刻钟演练,实现教材与高考的对接 一、话题与语篇第1段划波浪线部分 The real problem relates to the possibility that artificial intelligence (AI) may become extremely good at achieving something other than what we really want.第2~3段划波浪线部分[2]A machine with a specific purpose has another quality, one that we usually associate with living things: a wish to preserve its own existence. [3]The possibility of entering into and losing such a match should concentrate the minds of computer scientists. 第4段划波浪线部分[4]Solving the safety problem well enough to move forward in AI seems to be possible but not easy. 69.According to some researchers, we can use firewalls to . A.help super intelligent machines work better B.be secure against evil human beings C.keep machines from being harmed D.avoid robots' affecting the world二、话题与写作Thank You !课件114张PPT。选 修 7Unit 21 Human Biology 科普知识与现代技术之(三) ———医药与健康高考话题对接Contents单元检测?高考提能1234一积词汇见多识广二积短语顿挫抑扬 三积句式写作扮靓四背语段语感流畅 第一板块 重点词汇突破第二板块 短语、句式突破课堂双线提能课堂一刻钟演练,实现教材与高考的对接 一、话题与语篇One important biological factor that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women. __37__ Between the ages of about 12 and 50, women produce hormones that are involved in fertility (生育能力). These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and the blood flow. In fact, women are less likely to have hig ... ...

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